A bus.io-receiver is where middleware is attached to handle messages.
var receiver = require('bus.io-receiver')();
###Receiver#onReceive(msg:Message, [done:Function])
You use the onReceive
method as handler for a subject that produces messages. Optionally
you may pass a callback done
that will be executed right before the receiver
a received
var Message = require('bus.io-common').Message;
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var producer = new EventEmitter();
producer.on('message', receiver.onReceive);
producer.emit('message', Message(), function (msg) {
console.log('message received');
###Receiver#onReceive(msg:Message, [sock:Socket], [done:Function])
The onReceive
method actually accepts multiple arguments. Here we are passing in a socket
well as a done
callback function.
var io = require('socket.io')();
var router = require('socket.io-events')();
router.on(function (sock, args) {
var msg = Message();
msg.initialize.apply(msg, args);
receiver.onReceive(msg, sock)
receiver.use(function (msg, sock, next) {
receiver.on(function (err, msg, sock, next) {
receiver.on('received', function (msg, sock) {
sock.emit(msg.action(), msg.content());
###Receiver#use(path:String, fn:Function)
You attach middleware functions to the receiver
by calling use()
In the case our receiver
is listening to just messages.
receiver.use('some event', function (msg, next) {
//do stuff with msg
In the case our receiver
is listening to both a message and a socket.
receiver.use('some event', function (msg, sock, next) {
//do stuff with msg
To capture all messages just pass a function
receiver.use('some event', function (msg, next) {
//do stuff with msg
You can pass in an Array
of functions too.
var middlewares = [
function (msg, next) { /* do stuff! */ next() },
function (msg, next) { /* do stuff! */ next() },
function (msg, next) { /* do stuff! */ next() }
###Receiver#use(a:Function, b:Function, ...)
In the event you want to pass in multiple functions are arguments.
var a = function (msg, next) { next(); }
var b = function (msg, next) { next(); }
var c = function (msg, next) { next(); }
receiver.use(a, b, c);
###Receiver#use(a:Function, b:Function, ...)
You can pass multiple functions as arguments with a path too.
var a = function (msg, next) { next(); }
var b = function (msg, next) { next(); }
var c = function (msg, next) { next(); }
receiver.use('some event', a, b, c);
These are the events
you can listen for.
The received
event is triggered whenever a message
has been pushed through the receiver
receiver.on('received', function (msg) {
console.log('The message has been received %s', msg.id());
The consumed
event is triggered whenever a message
has been consumed.
receiver.on('consumed', function (msg) {
console.log('consumed msg %s', msg.id());
receiver.use(function (msg) {
Listen to errors here.
receiver.on('error', function (msg) {
//die! (if you must)
Install node.js (See download and install instructions here: http://nodejs.org/).
Clone this repository
> git clone [email protected]:turbonetix/bus.io-receiver.git
cd into the directory and install the dependencies
> cd bus.io-receiver
> npm install && npm shrinkwrap --dev
Install coffee-script
> npm install coffee-script -g
Tests are run using grunt. You must first globally install the grunt-cli with npm.
> sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
To run the tests, just run grunt
> grunt spec