You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 3
###version 0.9.2 build 2014-11-20
###change log:
fix tmr.delay to support more than 2s delay, may cause bacon time out, lost connection to AP.
add tmr.wdclr to clear watchdog counter in chip, use in long time loop.
fix UDP part of net module.
add a timeout para to createServer(net.TCP, timeout).
add adc module, use adc.read(0) to read adc value, no tests made.
add wifi.sta.getap() api to wifi.sta module, to get ap list.
bug fixed: net.socket:connect() has no effect.
bug fixed: as a tcp server, the connection can't closed with :close().
tcp server: inactive connection will closed by server in 30s (previously 180s).
add a test api node.input() to put lua chunk into lua interpretor, multi-line supported.
add a test api node.ouput(function) to direct serial output to a callback function.
file.readline() now returns line include EOL('\n'), and returns nil when EOF.
full version firmware
add file.seek() api to file module
now max 6 pwm channel is supported
change log module to file module
now file operation support multiple read/write
for now file module only allowed one file opened
delete log operation api from node module
add log module
modify wifi module api
modify node.key long_press and short_press default function
key is triged only when key is released
- Easy to access wireless router
- Based on Lua 5.1.4, Developers are supposed to have experience with Lua Program language.
- Event-Drive programming modal.
- Build-in file, timer, pwm, i2c, net, gpio, wifi module.
- Serial Port BaudRate:9600
- Re-mapped GPIO pin, use the index to program gpio, i2c, pwm.
- GPIO Map Table:
IO index | ESP8266 pin | IO index | ESP8266 pin |
0 | GPIO12 | 8 | GPIO0 |
1 | GPIO13 | 9 | GPIO2 |
2 | GPIO14 | 10 | GPIO4 |
3 | GPIO15 | 11 | GPIO5 |
4 | GPIO3 | ||
5 | GPIO1 | ||
6 | GPIO9 | ||
7 | GPIO10 |
#Burn/Flash Firmware ###Address
nodemcu_512k.bin: 0x00000
####Description restart the chip.
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
Enter deep sleep mode, wake up when timed out
-Note: This function can only be used in the condition that esp8266 PIN32(RST) and PIN8(XPD_DCDC) are connected together.
####Parameters us: sleep time in micro second
####Returns nil
####Description return chip ID
####Syntax node.chipid()
####Parameters nil
####Returns number:chip ID
id = node.chipid();
####Description return the remain HEAP size in bytes
####Syntax node.heap()
####Parameters nil
####Returns number: system heap size left in bytes
heap_size = node.heap();
####Description define button function, button is connected to GPIO16.
####Syntax node.key(type, function())
type: type is either string "long" or "short". long: press the key for 3 seconds, short: press shortly(less than 3 seconds)
function(): user defined function which is called when key is pressed. If nil, cancling the user defined function.
Default function: long: change LED blinking rate, short: reset chip
####Returns nil
node.key("long", function(){print('hello world')})
####Description setup the on/off time for led, which connected to GPIO16, multiplexing with node.key()
####Syntax node.led(low, high)
Low: LED off time, LED keeps on when low=0. Unit: milliseconds, time resolution: 80100ms100ms
High: LED off time. Unit: milliseconds, time resolution: 80
####Returns nil
-- turn led on forever.
accept a string and put the string into Lua interpretor.
same as pcall(loadstring(str)) but support multi seperated line.
####Syntax node.input(str)
####Parameters str: Lua chunk
####Returns nil
-- never use node.input() in console. no effect.
sk:on("receive", function(conn, payload) node.input(payload) end)
####Description direct output from lua interpretor to a call back function.
####Syntax node.output(function(str), serial_debug)
function(str): a function accept every output as str, and can send the output to a socket.
serial_debug: 1 output also show in serial. 0: no serial output.
####Returns nil
function tonet(str)
-- print(str) WRONG!!! never ever print something in this function
-- because this will cause a recursive function call!!!
node.ouput(tonet, 1) -- serial also get the lua output.
-- a simple telnet server
con_std = c
function s_output(str)
then con_std:send(str)
node.output(s_output, 0) -- re-direct output to function s_ouput.
node.input(l) -- works like pcall(loadstring(l)) but support multiple separate line
con_std = nil
node.output(nil) -- un-regist the redirect output function, output goes to serial
####Description remove file from file system.
####Syntax file.remove(filename)
####Parameters filename: file to remove
####Returns nil
-- remove "foo.lua" from file system.
####See also
- file.open()
- file.close()
####Description open file.
####Syntax file.open(filename, mode)
filename: file to be opened, directories are not supported
"r": read mode (the default)
"w": write mode
"a": append mode
"r+": update mode, all previous data is preserved
"w+": update mode, all previous data is erased
"a+": append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file
####Returns nil
-- open 'init.lua', print the first line.
file.open("init.lua", "r")
####See also
- file.close()
- file.readline()
####Description close the file.
####Syntax file.close()
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
-- open 'init.lua', print the first line.
file.open("init.lua", "r")
####See also
- file.open()
- file.readline()
####Description read one line of file which is opened before.
####Syntax file.readline()
####Parameters nil
file content in string, line by line, include EOL('\n')
return nil when EOF.
-- print the first line of 'init.lua'
file.open("init.lua", "r")
####See also
- file.open()
- file.close()
####Description write string to file and add a '\n' at the end.
####Syntax file.writeline(string)
####Parameters string: content to be write to file
####Returns true: write ok. nil: there is error
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
file.open("init.lua", "a+")
-- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
file.writeline('foo bar')
####See also
- file.open()
- file.write()
####Description write string to file.
####Syntax file.write(string)
####Parameters string: content to be write to file.
####Returns true: write ok. nil: there is error
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
file.open("init.lua", "a+")
-- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
file.write('foo bar')
####See also
- file.open()
- file.writeline()
####Description flush to file.
####Syntax file.flush()
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
file.open("init.lua", "a+")
-- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
file.write('foo bar')
####See also
- file.open()
- file.writeline()
####Description Sets and gets the file position, measured from the beginning of the file, to the position given by offset plus a base specified by the string whence.
####Syntax file.seek(whence, offset)
"set": base is position 0 (beginning of the file);
"cur": base is current position;(default value)
"end": base is end of file;
offset: default 0
success: returns the final file position
fail: returns nil
-- open 'init.lua' in 'a+' mode
file.open("init.lua", "a+")
-- write 'foo bar' to the end of the file
file.write('foo bar')
####See also
- file.open()
- file.writeline()
####Description list all files.
####Syntax file.list()
####Parameters nil
####Returns a lua table which contains the {file name: file size} pairs
l = file.list();
for k,v in l do
print("name:"..k..", size:"..v)
####See also - file.remove()
#wifi module ##CONSTANT wifi.STATION, wifi.SOFTAP, wifi.STATIONAP
####Description setup wifi operation mode.
####Syntax wifi.setmode(mode)
####Parameters mode: value should be: wifi.STATION, wifi.SOFTAP or wifi.STATIONAP
####Returns current mode after setup
####See also - wifi.getmode()
####Description get wifi operation mode.
####Syntax wifi.getmode()
####Parameters nil
####Returns wifi operation mode
####See also - wifi.setmode()
####Description starts to auto configuration, if success set up ssid and pwd automatically .
####Syntax wifi.startsmart(channel, function succeed_callback())
channel: 1~13, startup channel for searching, if nil, default to 6. 20 seconds for each channel.
succeed_callback: callback function called after configuration, which is called when got password and connected to AP.
####Returns nil
wifi.startsmart(6, cb())
####See also - wifi.stopsmart()
####Description stop the configuring process.
####Syntax wifi.stopsmart()
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
####See also - wifi.startsmart()
#wifi.sta module
####Description set ssid and password in station mode.
####Syntax wifi.sta.config(ssid, password)
ssid: string which is less than 32 bytes.
password: string which is less than 64 bytes.
####Returns nil
####See also
- wifi.sta.connect()
- wifi.sta.disconnect()
####Description connect to AP in station mode.
####Syntax wifi.sta.connect()
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
####See also
- wifi.sta.disconnect()
- wifi.sta.config()
####Description disconnect from AP in station mode.
####Syntax wifi.sta.disconnect()
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
####See also
- wifi.sta.config()
- wifi.sta.connect()
####Description auto connect to AP in station mode.
####Syntax wifi.sta.autoconnect(auto)
####Parameters auto: 0 to disable auto connecting. 1 to enable auto connecting
####Returns nil
####See also
- wifi.sta.config()
- wifi.sta.connect()
- wifi.sta.disconnect()
####Description get ip address in station mode.
####Syntax wifi.sta.getip()
####Parameters nil
####Returns ip address in string, for example:""
-- print current ip
####See also - wifi.sta.getmac()
####Description get mac address in station mode.
####Syntax wifi.sta.getmac()
####Parameters nil
####Returns mac address in string, for example:"18-33-44-FE-55-BB"
-- print current mac address
####See also - wifi.sta.getip()
####Description scan and get ap list as a lua table into callback function.
####Syntax wifi.sta.getap(function(table))
function(table): a callback function to receive ap table when scan is done
this function receive a table, the key is the ssid, value is other info in format: authmode,rssi,bssid,channel
####Returns nil
-- print ap list
function listap(t)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
print(k.." : "..v)
####See also - wifi.sta.getip()
#wifi.ap module
####Description set ssid and password in ap mode.
####Syntax wifi.ap.config(cfg)
####Parameters cfg: lua table to setup ap.
####Returns nil
wifi.ap.config(ssid, 'password')
####Description get ip in ap mode.
####Syntax wifi.ap.getip()
####Parameters nil
####Returns ip address in string, for example:""
####See also - wifi.ap.getmac()
####Description get mac address in ap mode.
####Syntax wifi.ap.getmac()
####Parameters nil
####Returns mac address in string, for example:"1A-33-44-FE-55-BB"
####See also - wifi.ap.getip()
####Description delay us micro seconds.
####Syntax tmr.dealy(us)
####Parameters us: delay time in micro second
####Returns nil
-- delay 100us
####See also - tmr.now()
####Description return the current value of system counter: uint32, us.
####Syntax tmr.now()
####Parameters nil
####Returns uint32: value of counter
-- print current value of counter
####See also - tmr.delay()
####Description alarm time.
####Syntax tmr.alarm(interval, repeat, function do())
Interval: alarm time, unit: millisecond
repeat: 0 - one time alarm, 1 - repeat
function do(): callback function for alarm timed out
####Returns nil
-- print "hello world" every 1000ms
tmr.alarm(1000, 1, function() print("hello world") end )
####See also - tmr.now()
stop alarm.
-Note: only one alarm is allowed, the previous one would be replaced if tmr.alarm() called again before tmr.stop().
####Syntax tmr.stop()
####Parameters nil.
####Returns nil
-- print "hello world" every 1000ms
tmr.alarm(1000, 1, function() print("hello world") end )
-- something else
-- stop alarm
####See also - tmr.now()
clear system watchdog counter.
####Syntax tmr.wdclr()
####Parameters nil.
####Returns nil
for i=1,10000 do
tmr.wdclr() -- should call tmr.wdclr() in a long loop to avoid hardware reset caused by watchdog.
####See also - tmr.delay()
#GPIO module ##CONSTANT gpio.OUTPUT, gpio.INPUT, gpio.INT, gpio.HIGH, gpio.LOW
####Description initialize pin to GPIO mode, set the pin in/out mode.
####Syntax gpio.mode(pin, mode)
pin: 0~11, IO index
mode: gpio.OUTPUT or gpio.INPUT, or gpio.INT(interrupt mode)
####Returns nil
-- set gpio 0 as output.
gpio.mode(0, gpio.OUTPUT)
####See also - gpio.read()
####Description read pin value.
####Syntax gpio.read(pin)
####Parameters pin: 0~11, IO index
####Returns number:0 - low, 1 - high
-- read value of gpio 0.
####See also - gpio.mode()
####Description set pin value.
####Syntax gpio.write(pin)
pin: 0~11, IO index
level: gpio.HIGH or gpio.LOW
####Returns nil
-- set pin index 1 to GPIO mode, and set the pin to high.
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.OUTPUT)
gpio.write(pin, gpio.HIGH)
####See also
- gpio.mode()
- gpio.read()
####Description set the interrupt callback function for pin.
####Syntax gpio.trig(pin, type, function(level))
pin: 0~11, IO index
type: "up", "down", "both", "low", "high", which represent rising edge, falling edge, both edge, low level, high level trig mode separately.
function(level): callback function when triggered. The gpio level is the param. Use previous callback function if undefined here.
####Returns nil
-- use pin 0 as the input pulse width counter
pulse0 = 0
du = 0
function pin0cb(level)
du = tmr.now() – pulse0
pulse0 = tmr.now()
if level == 1 then gpio.trig(0, "down ") else gpio.trig(0, "up ") end
gpio.trig(0, "down ",pin0cb)
####See also
- gpio.mode()
- gpio.write()
####Description set pin to PWM mode. Only 3 pins can be set to PWM mode at the most.
####Syntax pwm.setup(pin, clock, duty)
pin: 011, IO index500, pwm frequency
clock: 1
duty: 0~100, pwm duty cycle in percentage
####Returns nil
-- set pin index 0 as pwm output, frequency is 100Hz, duty cycle is 50-50.
pwm.setup(0, 100, 50)
####See also - pwm.start()
####Description quit PWM mode for specified pin.
####Syntax pwm.close(pin)
####Parameters pin: 0~11, IO index
####Returns nil
####See also - pwm.start()
####Description pwm starts, you can detect the waveform on the gpio.
####Syntax pwm.start(pin)
####Parameters pin: 0~11, IO index
####Returns nil
####See also - pwm.stop()
####Description pause the output of PWM waveform.
####Syntax pwm.stop(pin)
####Parameters pin: 0~11, IO index
####Returns nil
####See also - pwm.start()
set pwm frequency for pin.
-Note: setup pwm frequency will synchronously change others if there are any. Only one PWM frequency can be allowed for the system.
####Syntax pwm.setclock(pin, clock)
pin: 011, IO index.500, pwm frequency.
clock: 1
####Returns nil
pwm.setclock(0, 100)
####See also - pwm.getclock()
####Description get pwm frequency of pin.
####Syntax pwm.getclock(pin)
####Parameters pin: 0~11, IO index.
####Returns number:pwm frequency of pin
####See also - pwm.setclock()
####Description set duty clycle for pin.
####Syntax pwm.setduty(pin, duty)
pin: 011, IO index100, pwm duty cycle in percentage
duty: 0
####Returns nil
pwm.setduty(0, 50)
####See also - pwm.getduty()
####Description get duty clycle for pin.
####Syntax pwm.getduty(pin)
####Parameters pin: 0~11, IO index
####Returns nil
-- D0 is connected to green led
-- D1 is connected to blue led
-- D2 is connected to red led
function led(r,g,b)
led(50,0,0) -- set led to red
led(0,0,50) -- set led to blue.
####See also - pwm.setduty()
#net module ##CONSTANT net.TCP, net.UDP
####Description create a server.
####Syntax net.createServer(type, timeout)
type: net.TCP or net.UDP
timeout: for a TCP server, timeout is 1~28800 seconds, for a inactive client to disconnected.
####Returns net.server sub module
net.createServer(net.TCP, 30) -- 30s timeout
####See also - net.createConnection()
####Description create a client.
####Syntax net.createConnection(type, secure)
type: net.TCP or net.UDP
secure: 1 or 0, 1 for ssl link, 0 for normal link
####Returns net.server sub module
net.createConnection(net.UDP, 0)
####See also - net.createServer()
####Description listen on port from [ip] address.
####Syntax net.server.listen(port,[ip],function(net.socket))
port: port number
ip:ip address string, can be omitted
function(net.socket): callback function, pass to Caller function as param if a connection is created successfully
####Returns nil
-- create a server
sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 30) -- 30s time out for a inactive client
-- server listen on 80, if data received, print data to console, and send "hello world" to remote.
c:on("receive", function(sck, pl) print(pl) end)
c:send("hello world")
####See also - net.createServer()
####Description close server.
####Syntax net.server.close()
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
-- create a server
sv=net.createServer(net.TCP, 30)
-- close server
####See also - net.createServer()
####Description connect to remote.
####Syntax connect(port, ip)
port: port number
ip: ip address in string
####Returns nil
####See also - net.socket:on()
####Description send data to remote via connection.
####Syntax send(string, function(sent))
string: data in string which will be sent to remote
function(sent): callback function for sending string
####Returns nil
####See also - net.socket:on()
####Description register callback function for event.
####Syntax on(event, function cb())
event: string, which can be: "connection", "reconnection", "disconnection", "receive", "sent"
function cb(net.socket, [string]): callback function. The first param is the socket.
If event is"receive", the second param is received data in string.
####Returns nil
sk=net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
sk:on("receive", function(sck, c) print(c) end )
sk:send("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n")
####See also - net.createServer()
####Description close socket.
####Syntax close()
####Parameters nil
####Returns nil
####See also - net.createServer()
####Description get domain ip
####Syntax dns(domain, function(net.socket, ip))
domain: domain name.
function (net.socket, ip): callback function. The first param is the socket, the second param is the ip address in string.
####Returns nil
####See also - net.createServer()
#i2c module ##CONSTANT i2c.SLOW, i2c.TRANSMITTER, i2c. RECEIVER. FAST(400k)is not supported for now.
####Description initialize i2c.
####Syntax i2c.setup(id, pinSDA, pinSCL, speed)
id = 0
pinSDA: 011, IO index11, IO index
pinSCL: 0
speed: i2c.SLOW
####Returns nil
####See also - i2c.read()
####Description start i2c transporting.
####Syntax i2c.start(id)
####Parameters id = 0
####Returns nil
####See also - i2c.read()
####Description stop i2c transporting.
####Syntax i2c.stop(id)
####Parameters id = 0
####Returns nil
####See also - i2c.read()
####Description setup i2c address and read/write mode.
####Syntax i2c.address(id, device_addr, direction)
device_addr: device address.
direction: i2c.TRANSMITTER for writing mode , i2c. RECEIVER for reading mode
####Returns nil
####See also - i2c.read()
####Description write data to i2c, data can be multi numbers, string or lua table.
####Syntax i2c.write(id, data1, data2,...)
data: data can be numbers, string or lua table.
####Returns nil
i2c.write(0, "hello", "world")
####See also - i2c.read()
####Description read data for len bytes.
####Syntax i2c.read(id, len)
len: data length
####Returns string:data received.
-- initialize i2c, set pin1 as sda, set pin0 as scl
-- user defined function: read from reg_addr content of dev_addr
function read_reg(dev_addr, reg_addr)
i2c.address(id, dev_addr ,i2c.TRANSMITTER)
i2c.address(id, dev_addr,i2c.RECEIVER)
return c
-- get content of register 0xAA of device 0x77
reg = read_reg(0x77, 0xAA)
####See also - i2c.write()
#adc module ##CONSTANT none
####Description read adc value of id, esp8266 has only one 10bit adc, id=0, pin TOUT
####Syntax adc.read(id)
id = 0
####Returns adc value