Okay, so let me get started. Do not use this as-is. I originally wrote this a few years back, and decided to clean up the code. I have removed lots of methods, and added namespaces.
I plan on bringing this back, so will edit it the source and fixing parts, do not fork yet unless you're helping with development. Once it's at a good stage of development, then you can fork, but at the moment, it's not functioning fully yet.
I will upload the SQL in the future (again) when it's done. Some methods are bloated, that's because I haven't got around to them, some queries don't have transactions; I plan on adding them, and fixing the withdraw part (check user's trade history, make sure it adds up)
Give me ideas regarding storage, cold/hot/luke warm. Anyway, if you would like to help with developement, fork developement branch.
For controllers you add namespaces like so:
namespace Filtration\Controller;
Class MyController extends \Filtration\Core\Controller
For models you do:
namespace Filtration\Model;
Class MyModel
public static function mymethod(){
return 123;
To access your model in your controller, use the use
namespace Filtration\Controller;
use Filtration\Model\MyModel;
Class MyController extends \Filtration\Core\Controller
public function index(){
// access it here
return MyModel::mymethod();
Enable GMP: In your PHP.INI file, uncomment extension=php_gmp.dll
Use composer and Cd to your folder, and run: composer update
- Using Bit-wasp https://github.com/Bit-Wasp/bitcoin-php for the walllet