This repository was created for PnP test on robot.
2023-Robot-Test has 4 main directories. Each directory has its own private directory. Tasks are represented by projects
- Autonomous directory has unit, integrated, path tracking tests. Each test configured in a project.*
Manual directory includes sensor output, unit mechanism tests. Structured tests according to mechanism safety.
The odometry directory includes odometry tests. These:
- Arm odometry
- Drive odometry
- Upgraded drive odometry
Vision directory contains vision odometry tests. It will assist in tele-op, autonomous and odometry.
Each tests has its own projects. So you can open the project directory directly in "Wpilib VScode".
This repository is structured on 2023 robot. Also it is very useful for understanding the gear of reduction, SparkMax and pid controllers, odometry in FRC.
Author: Burak Talha Sümer