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+ [Kunena#25] Add basic skeleton for Ninjaboard support
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+ [Kunena#26] Enable Agora options
+ [Kunena#27] Enable ccBoard options
  • Loading branch information
fxstein committed Jul 11, 2011
1 parent 9639927 commit f3b3da1
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Showing 4 changed files with 367 additions and 4 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions administrator/components/com_kunenaimporter/CHANGELOG.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,9 @@

10-July-2011 fxstein
^ [#4] Update file headers, remove $Id, 2010->2011 and>.org
+ [#25] Add basic skeleton for Ninjaboard support
+ [#26] Enable Agora options
+ [#27] Enable ccBoard options

10-July-2011 Matias
^ [#20] Add support for Joomla 1.7: Code cleanup, DS removal and small fixes
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions administrator/components/com_kunenaimporter/config.xml
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Expand Up @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@
<param name="extforum" type="list" default="localhost" label="COM_KUNENAIMPORTER_CONFIG_EXTFORUM_LABEL" description="COM_KUNENAIMPORTER_CONFIG_EXTFORUM_DESC" size="30">
<!-- <option value="agora">Agora</option> -->
<!-- <option value="ccboard">ccBoard</option> -->
<option value="agora">Agora</option>
<option value="ccboard">ccBoard</option>
<option value="ninjaboard">NinjaBoard</option>
<!-- <option value="kunena">Kunena</option> -->
<option value="phpbb3">phpBB3</option>
<!-- <option value="phpbb2">phpBB2</option> -->
Expand All @@ -25,8 +26,9 @@
<field name="extforum" type="list" default="" label="COM_KUNENAIMPORTER_CONFIG_EXTFORUM_LABEL" description="COM_KUNENAIMPORTER_CONFIG_EXTFORUM_DESC" size="30">
<!-- <option value="agora">Agora</option> -->
<!-- <option value="ccboard">ccBoard</option> -->
<option value="agora">Agora</option>
<option value="ccboard">ccBoard</option>
<option value="ninjaboard">NinjaBoard</option>
<!-- <option value="kunena">Kunena</option> -->
<option value="phpbb3">phpBB3</option>
<!-- <option value="phpbb2">phpBB2</option> -->
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@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
* @package com_kunenaimporter
* Imports forum data into Kunena
* @Copyright (C) 2009 - 2011 Kunena Team All rights reserved
* @license GNU/GPL
* @link
defined ( '_JEXEC' ) or die ();

// Import Joomla! libraries

require_once( JPATH_COMPONENT . '/models/export.php' );

class KunenaimporterModelExport_Ninjaboard extends KunenaimporterModelExport {
public function checkConfig() {
/* TODO: Change - Ninjaboard does not keep config in db
$query = "SELECT conf_value FROM `#__agora_config` WHERE `conf_name` = 'o_cur_version'";
$this->setQuery ( $query );
$this->version = $this->ext_database->loadResult ();
if (! $this->version) {
$this->error = $this->getErrorMsg ();
if (! $this->error)
$this->error = 'Configuration information missing: Agora version not found';
if ($this->error) {
$this->addMessage ( '<div>Agora version: <b style="color:red">FAILED</b></div>' );
return false;
if (version_compare($this->version, '3.0.142', '<'))
$this->error = "Unsupported forum: Agora $this->version";
if ($this->error) {
$this->addMessage ( '<div>Agora version: <b style="color:red">' . $this->version . '</b></div>' );
$this->addMessage ( '<div><b>Error:</b> ' . $this->error . '</div>' );
return false;
$this->addMessage ( '<div>Agora version: <b style="color:green">' . $this->version . '</b></div>' );

public function buildImportOps() {
// query: (select, from, where, groupby), functions: (count, export)
$importOps = array();
$importOps ['config'] = array ('count' => 'countConfig', 'export' => 'exportConfig' );
$importOps ['categories'] = array('count'=>'countCategories', 'export'=>'exportCategories');
$importOps ['messages'] = array ('count' => 'countMessages', 'export' => 'exportMessages' );
$importOps ['subscriptions'] = array ('count' => 'countSubscriptions', 'export' => 'exportSubscriptions' );
$importOps ['userprofile'] = array ('count' => 'countUserprofile', 'export' => 'exportUserprofile' );
$this->importOps = $importOps;

public function countConfig() {
return 1;

public function &exportConfig($start=0, $limit=0) {
$config = array();
if ($start) return $config;

/* TODO: Change - Ninjaboard does not keep config in db
$query="SELECT conf_name, conf_value AS value FROM #__agora_config";
$result = $this->getExportData($query, 0, 1000, 'conf_name');
if (!$result) return $config;
$config['id'] = 1;
$config['board_title'] = $result['sitename']->value;
$config['email'] = $result['board_email']->value;
$config['board_offline'] = $result['board_disable']->value;
$config['board_ofset'] = $result['board_timezone']->value;
// $config['offline_message'] = null;
// $config['default_view'] = null;
// $config['enablerss'] = null;
// $config['enablepdf'] = null;
$config['threads_per_page'] = $result['topics_per_page']->value;
$config['messages_per_page'] = $result['posts_per_page']->value;
// $config['messages_per_page_search'] = null;
// $config['showhistory'] = null;
// $config['historylimit'] = null;
// $config['shownew'] = null;
// $config['newchar'] = null;
// $config['jmambot'] = null;
$config['disemoticons'] = $result['allow_smilies']->value ^ 1;
// $config['template'] = null;
// $config['templateimagepath'] = null;
// $config['joomlastyle'] = null;
// $config['showannouncement'] = null;
// $config['avataroncat'] = null;
// $config['catimagepath'] = null;
// $config['numchildcolumn'] = null;
// $config['showchildcaticon'] = null;
// $config['annmodid'] = null;
// $config['rtewidth'] = null;
// $config['rteheight'] = null;
// $config['enablerulespage'] = null;
// $config['enableforumjump'] = null;
// $config['reportmsg'] = null;
// $config['username'] = null;
// $config['askemail'] = null;
// $config['showemail'] = null;
// $config['showuserstats'] = null;
// $config['poststats'] = null;
// $config['statscolor'] = null;
// $config['showkarma'] = null;
// $config['useredit'] = null;
// $config['useredittime'] = null;
// $config['useredittimegrace'] = null;
// $config['editmarkup'] = null;
$config['allowsubscriptions'] = $result['o_auto_subscriptions'];
// $config['subscriptionschecked'] = null;
// $config['allowfavorites'] = null;
// $config['wrap'] = null;
// $config['maxsubject'] = null;
$config['maxsig'] = $result['allow_sig']->value ? $result['max_sig_chars']->value : 0;
// $config['regonly'] = null;
$config['changename'] = $result['allow_namechange']->value;
// $config['pubwrite'] = null;
$config['floodprotection'] = $result['flood_interval']->value;
// $config['mailmod'] = null;
// $config['mailadmin'] = null;
// $config['captcha'] = null;
// $config['mailfull'] = null;
$config['allowavatar'] = $result['allow_avatar_upload']->value || $result['allow_avatar_local']->value;
$config['allowavatarupload'] = $result['allow_avatar_upload']->value;
$config['allowavatargallery'] = $result['allow_avatar_local']->value;
// $config['imageprocessor'] = null;
$config['avatarsmallheight'] = $result['avatar_max_height']->value > 50 ? 50 : $result['avatar_max_height']->value;
$config['avatarsmallwidth'] = $result['avatar_max_width']->value > 50 ? 50 : $result['avatar_max_width']->value;
$config['avatarheight'] = $result['o_avatars_dheight']->value;
$config['avatarwidth'] = $result['o_avatars_dwidth']->value;
$config['avatarlargeheight'] = $result['avatar_max_height']->value;
$config['avatarlargewidth'] = $result['avatar_max_width']->value;
// $config['avatarquality'] = null;
$config['avatarsize'] = (int)($result['avatar_filesize']->value / 1000);
// $config['allowimageupload'] = null;
// $config['allowimageregupload'] = null;
// $config['imageheight'] = null;
// $config['imagewidth'] = null;
// $config['imagesize'] = null;
// $config['allowfileupload'] = null;
// $config['allowfileregupload'] = null;
// $config['filetypes'] = null;
// $config['filesize'] = null;
// $config['showranking'] = null;
// $config['rankimages'] = null;
// $config['avatar_src'] = null;
// $config['fb_profile'] = null;
// $config['pm_component'] = null;
// $config['discussbot'] = null;
// $config['userlist_rows'] = null;
// $config['userlist_online'] = null;
// $config['userlist_avatar'] = null;
// $config['userlist_name'] = null;
// $config['userlist_username'] = null;
// $config['userlist_group'] = null;
// $config['userlist_posts'] = null;
// $config['userlist_karma'] = null;
// $config['userlist_email'] = null;
// $config['userlist_usertype'] = null;
// $config['userlist_joindate'] = null;
// $config['userlist_lastvisitdate'] = null;
// $config['userlist_userhits'] = null;
// $config['showlatest'] = null;
// $config['latestcount'] = null;
// $config['latestcountperpage'] = null;
// $config['latestcategory'] = null;
// $config['latestsinglesubject'] = null;
// $config['latestreplysubject'] = null;
// $config['latestsubjectlength'] = null;
// $config['latestshowdate'] = null;
// $config['latestshowhits'] = null;
// $config['latestshowauthor'] = null;
// $config['showstats'] = null;
// $config['showwhoisonline'] = null;
// $config['showgenstats'] = null;
// $config['showpopuserstats'] = null;
// $config['popusercount'] = null;
// $config['showpopsubjectstats'] = null;
// $config['popsubjectcount'] = null;
// $config['usernamechange'] = null;
// $config['rules_infb'] = null;
// $config['rules_cid'] = null;
// $config['rules_link'] = null;
// $config['enablehelppage'] = null;
// $config['help_infb'] = null;
// $config['help_cid'] = null;
// $config['help_link'] = null;
// $config['showspoilertag'] = null;
// $config['showvideotag'] = null;
// $config['showebaytag'] = null;
// $config['trimlongurls'] = null;
// $config['trimlongurlsfront'] = null;
// $config['trimlongurlsback'] = null;
// $config['autoembedyoutube'] = null;
// $config['autoembedebay'] = null;
// $config['ebaylanguagecode'] = null;
$config['fbsessiontimeout'] = $result['session_length']->value;
// $config['highlightcode'] = null;
// $config['rsstype'] = null;
// $config['rsshistory'] = null;
$config['fbdefaultpage'] = 'categories';
// $config['default_sort'] = null;
$result = array('1'=>$config);

return $result;


public function countCategories() {
$query="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__ninjaboard_forums";
$count = $this->getCount($query);
return $count;

public function &exportCategories($start=0, $limit=0) {
// Import the forums - Ninjaboard does not store separate categories
enabled AS published,
title AS name,
description AS description,
/* forum_mdesc AS headerdesc, TODO: extract description ouf of param */
topics AS numTopics,
posts AS numPosts,
last_post_id AS id_last_msg,
ninjaboard_forum_id AS id,
parent_id AS parent
FROM #__ninjaboard_forums)
$result = $this->getExportData($query, $start, $limit);
foreach ($result as $key=>&$row) {
$row->name = prep($row->name);
$row->description = prep($row->description);
return $result;

public function countMessages() {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__ninjaboard_messages";
return $this->getCount ( $query );

public function &exportMessages($start = 0, $limit = 0) {
/* TODO: Build ninjaboard logic
$query = "SELECT AS id,
t.poster AS name,
IF(,0,p.topic_id) AS parent,
t.sticky AS ordering,
t.subject AS subject,
t.num_views AS hits,
t.closed AS locked,
t.forum_id AS catid,
u.jos_id AS userid,
p.poster_ip AS ip,
p.poster_email AS email,
p.message AS message,
p.posted AS time,
p.topic_id AS thread
p.edited AS modified_time,
p.edited_by AS modified_by
FROM `#__agora_topics` AS t
LEFT JOIN `#__agora_posts` AS p ON p.topic_id =
LEFT JOIN `#__agora_users` AS u ON p.poster_id =
WHERE t.announcements='0'
$result = $this->getExportData ( $query, $start, $limit, 'id' );
foreach ( $result as &$row ) {
$row->subject = $this->prep ( $row->subject );
$row->message = $this->prep ( $row->message );
return $result;

/* TODO: CHeck if smilies and ranks are available outside of db
public function countSmilies() {
return false;
$query="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__agora_smilies";
return $this->getCount($query);
public function &exportSmilies($start=0, $limit=0)
$query="SELECT image AS location, text FROM #__agora_smilies";
$result = $this->getExportData($query, $start, $limit);
return $result;
public function countRanks() {
return false;
$query="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__agora_ranks";
return $this->getCount($query);
public function &exportRanks($start=0, $limit=0)
rank AS rank_title,
min_posts AS rank_min,
image AS rank_image,
user_type AS rank_special
FROM #__agora_ranks";
$result = $this->getExportData($query, $start, $limit);
return $result;
public function countUserprofile() {
$query="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__ninjaboard_people";
return $this->getCount($query);

public function &exportUserprofile($start=0, $limit=0) {
ninjaboard_person_id AS user_id,
posts AS posts,
FROM #__ninjaboard_people";
$result = $this->getExportData($query, $start, $limit);
foreach ( $result as $key => &$row ) {
//$row->avatarpath = JPATH_BASE . '/components/com_agora/img/pre_avatars/'. $row->id;

public function countSubscriptions() {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `#__ninjaboard_subscriptions`
WHERE subscription_type=3";
return $this->getCount ( $query );

public function &exportSubscriptions($start = 0, $limit = 0) {
$query = "SELECT
subscription_type_id AS thread,
created_by AS userid
FROM `#__ninjaboard_subscriptions`
WHERE subscription_type=3";
$result = $this->getExportData ( $query, $start, $limit );
return $result;

protected function prep($s) {
return $s;
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions build/build.number
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#Build Number for ANT. Do not edit!
#Sun Jul 10 22:50:23 PDT 2011

0 comments on commit f3b3da1

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