We've gotta go fast, but sure we want to measure how fast, right?
The common way to get the metrics is collect them via StatsD protocol
to Grafana or DataDog. It's relatively easy to measure every endpoint
by decorating it with @statsd.timed()
, but why not automate it?
So once you've configured your statsd client, just pass it to this extension and get the generic metrics automagically.
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import text
from sanic_statsd import SanicStatsD
from yourapp.stats import configured_statsd_client as statsd
app = Sanic()
SanicStatsD(app, statsd=statsd, tags=['app:{}'.format(__name__)])
async def index(request):
return text("Ok")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=8000, debug=True)
And that's, basically, it!
[ ] Document init parameters and implement examples of using of
[ ] Implement support for statsd