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TSA TimeStamp Client

Simple RFC3161 console mode client.

System requirements

Any Java compatible machine and operating system, supported Java versions are 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 booth 64 and 32 bit version.

Client was tested using 1.6 32/64 Apple JDK and Oracle 1.7 64 bit JDK on Mac OS X 10.9. It should work on most modern operating systems and hardware provided there is a Java instalation


Linux/Unix clients: run or java -jar tsp-client.jar

./ -h

Usage ./ -a <algorithm> -s <source-file> -d <directory> -g -q -r -u <url> -o -n <nonce> -p <policy id> -h -v
  -a - hash algorithm, can be one of the following MD5 SHA1 SHA256
  -s - file to be hashed
  -d - (optional) output directory to store intermediate files
  -g - (optional) store digest file (<directory>/digest.<algorithm>)
  -q - (optional) store RFC3161 query (<directory>/query.<algorithm>.tsq)
  -r - (optional) store RFC3161 reply (<directory>/reply.<algorithm>.tsr)
  -u - URL to execute RFC3161 request to
  -o - (optional) - generate nonce integer
  -n - (optional) - use specified nonce integer
  -p - (optional) - request timestemp using policy OID
  -h - (optional) this help
  -v - (optional) verbosity level, can be V1 or V2, the higher the number more verbose output

All other operating systems

java -jar tsp-client.jar -h
 -a (--alg, --algorithm) [MD5 | SHA1 |  : TSP digest algorithm [MD5, SHA1,
 SHA256 | SHA384 | SHA512]              : SHA256, SHA384, SHA512]
 -c (--cert-req)                        : Set certReq in RFC3161 request to
 -d (--data) VAL                        : Path to file containing data
 -g (--digest) VAL                      : Store digest to this file
 -h (--help, -H)                        : Prints help
 -n (--nonce) VAL                       : Use specified integer value for nonce
 -o (--gen-nonce)                       : Generate nonce integer for request
 -p (--policy, --policy-oid) VAL        : Request Timestamp for policy OID
 -q (--query) VAL                       : Timestamp Query file (.tsq) path. If
                                          not set it will not be stored.
 -r (--resp) VAL                        : Timestamp Response file (.tsr) path.
                                          If not set it will not be stored.
 -u (--url) VAL                         : TSA URL for used to request Timestamp
                                          token. If not set it will not be used
 -v (--verbosity) [V1 | V2]             : Prints verbose output.


TSA TimeStamp Client






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