Online Demo ([email protected] 123456)
Eyeblue Cloud Disk is one of Eyeblue Softwares, and it is the basic software for other eyeblue softwares.Eyeblue Cloud Disk has the following features.
1. Easy to use
Docker available
Install package is about 10M. Cross platform.
Unpack the install zip, and run it with one command.
Installation Guide
Dashboard to view UV and PV.
Preview usual files (doc,ppt,xls,pdf,mp3,mp4,jpg,png)
2. Core features all in readiness
Manage your files on cloud.
Responsive on PC and mobile.
Normal user and administrator
3. Custom Api supported
Support Custom Api
Manage files by api.
If this project is helpful for you, star ⭐ it.
docker run --name tank -p 6010:6010 -d eyeblue/tank:2.0.0
If you'd like to start you mysql by docker, use the following command.
docker run --name mysql4tank -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=tank -e MYSQL_USER=tank -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=tank123 -v ~/data/mysqldemo1:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:5.7
Open it succeed if you see the installation guide.
Double click
on windows -
Run the following command on linux
cd ApplicationDirectory
If you'd like to run in daemon mode.
# Run the application
cd ApplicationDirectory/service
# Stop the application
cd ApplicationDirectory/service
Open it succeed if you see the installation guide.
Thanks these authors @zicla,@seaheart,@yemuhe,@hxsherry
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