This is the documentation for shop-db.
We created shop.db in order to offer a simple way to manage purchases and user interactions in a small community. Over time, the project grew bigger and bigger and we decided to make it as flexible as possible, so that i can be used for more applications than our small shop service. Even if the development of shop.db has not progressed far enough to be called finished, we want to share the project so anyone can contribute and make shop.db better. In the following part, you can find a basic documentation for this project.
shop.db can be used as a standalone backend and can be accessed via it’s API. Because this is not an elegant way to use this application, we developed the shop.db frontend, which can be found in it’s own repository: shop-db2-frontend. Furthermore, the complete administration is carried out via the specially developed shop-db2-react-admin interface.
In order to use shop-db, you need to install the following main dependencies:
- Python 3 (>= 3.7)
- Python 3 Virtual Environment
- pip3
- git
- nginx
sudo apt install python3 python3-venv python3-pip git nginx
- wkhtmltopdf (For generating pdf templates)
sudo apt install wkhtmltopdf
Add an account for shop-db called shopdb_user. Since this account is only for running shop-db the extra arguments of -r is added to create a system account without creating a home directory:
sudo useradd -r shopdb_user
Next we will create a directory for the installation of shop-db and change the owner to the shopdb_user account:
cd /srv
sudo git clone
sudo chown -R shopdb_user:shopdb_user shop-db2
Now the Nginx server must be configured. Nginx installs a test site in this location that we wont’t need, so let’s remove it:
sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
Below you can see the Nginx configuration file for shop-db, which goes in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/shop-db:
server {
# listen on port 80 (http)
listen 80;
server_name shopdb;
location / {
# redirect any requests to the same URL but on https
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
# listen on port 443 (https)
listen 443 ssl;
server_name shopdb;
# New: gzip compression
gzip on;
gzip_static on;
gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
gzip_proxied any;
gzip_vary on;
gzip_comp_level 6;
gzip_buffers 16 8k;
gzip_http_version 1.1;
# location of the SSL certificates
ssl_certificate <PATH_TO_THE_CERTS>/cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key <PATH_TO_THE_CERTS>/key.pem;
# write access and error logs to /var/log
access_log /var/log/shop-db_access.log;
error_log /var/log/shop-db_error.log;
location / {
# forward application requests to the gunicorn server
proxy_pass http://localhost:<THE_PORT_IN_THE_CONFIGURATION>;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
Next up is to create and change to a virtual environment for shop-db. This will be done as the shopdb_user account:
sudo su -s /bin/bash shopdb_user
cd /srv/shop-db2
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Use source venv/bin/ if you are using fish-shell
Once you have activated the virtual environment you will notice the prompt change and then you can install the required python modules:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now the configuration file of shop-db2 has to be adjusted. Copy the
to the
The most important change is the SECRET_KEY. This is later responsible for salting the user passwords and must be kept secret under all circumstances. Change this SECRET_KEY in the file
. You can do this with a normal text editor or with the command sed
The first user (and at the same time the first administrator) as well as the default ranks are created using the
script. Please look at the file and check whether the default settings for the ranks meet your requirements.
If you are satisfied with them, you can now initialize the database:
python ./
Ready? Almost. To start shop-db, you only have to type:
python ./
However, so that the backend does not have to be started manually every time, it is advisable to run shop-db as a systemd service:
deactivate # To deactivate the virtual environment
exit # To switch back to the root user
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/shop-db2@shopdb_user.service
The file must have the following content:
ExecStart=/srv/shop-db2/venv/bin/python3 /srv/shop-db2/
You need to reload systemd to make the daemon aware of the new configuration:
sudo systemctl --system daemon-reload
To have shop-db start automatically at boot, enable the service:
sudo systemctl enable shop-db2@shopdb_user
To disable the automatic start, use this command:
sudo systemctl disable shop-db2@shopdb_user
To start shop-db now, use this command:
sudo systemctl start shop-db2@shopdb_user
You want to start shop-db in developer mode and participate in the project? Great! The command
python ./ --mode development
starts shop-db for you in developer mode. This means that a temporary database is created in memory with default data defined in the dev folder. Your production database will not be used in this mode, but you should make sure you have a backup in case something goes wrong.
To create backups from the database, you can use the
script in the root directory of shop-db. To do this regularly, either a service or a crobjob can be used.
Create two files with the following content:
Description=shop-db2 backup service
ExecStart=/srv/shop-db2/venv/bin/python /srv/shop-db2/
Description=Timer for the shop-db2 backup service.
Reload the services and start the backup service by typing
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start shop-db2-backup.timer
If you want to check your timer and the states of the backups, you can use
systemctl list-timers --all
Create the following cronob:
0 */3 * * * /srv/shop-db2/
Currently, most of the core features of shop-db are covered with the corresponding unittests. In order to execute them you can use the command
cd /srv/shop-db2
source venv/bin/activate
./ --show-results
This section covers the models used in shop-db. They are defined in .shopdb/
In order to interact with the database one needs some sort of user account which stores personal data, privileges and that can be referenced by other parts of the application. Therefor we use the User table. Anyone who can reach the shop-db application can create a user. After creating User through registering, one has to be verified by an admin to be able to use ones account. This prevents unauthorized use of the application. In addition a user can be an admin, has a rank, a credit to buy products and a list of favorite products.
NAME | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The user id is unique and is used to identify the user in the application. It is created automatically with the a new user. |
creation_date | DateTime | This is the date and time the user was created. It is created automatically with the new user. It is not modified when user properties are updated. |
firstname | String(32) | This is the users firstname. It is used to identify the user in the frontend. It does not have to be unique. It can be updated and changed after the users creation. |
lastname | String(32) | This is the users lastname. It is used to identify the user in the frontend. It does not have to be unique. It can be updated and changed after the users creation. |
password | String(256) | This is the password hash which is used to verify the users password when he logs in. It is automatically created from the password passed when creating or updating the user. The password itself is not stored in the database. |
is_verified | Boolean | To prevent unauthorized access, each user has to be verified from an admin before he can carry out further actions. This column states whether the user is verified (True) or not (False). |
image_upload_id | Integer | This is the id of the Upload with the user picture. This entry is optional. |
When a user is verified, a UserVerification entry is made. It is used to separate information about the verification from the user. As a result a user cant be verified twice and the verification date of a user can be called. A UserVerification can only be made by an admin.
NAME | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The UserVerification id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new UserVerification. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the UserVerification was created. It is created automatically with the new UserVerification. It is not modified when updated. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who made this UserVerification. |
user_id | Integer | This is the id of the user the admin made this UserVerification for. |
A lot of functionalities in the application require a user with admin rights. The first user in database can make himself an admin. Every other user has to be made admin by another admin. The admin rights can also be revoked. For every change in a users admin rights, an AdminUpdate entry is made. The Admin update table is used to verify whether the user is an admin by checking the is_admin field in the latest entry related to the user.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The AdminUpdate id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new AdminUpdate. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the AdminUpdate was created. It is created automatically with the new AdminUpdate. |
user_id | Integer | This is the id of the user whose admin status was updated. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who performed the update. |
is_admin | Boolean | Specifies whether the corresponding user is an admin (True) after the update or not (False). |
An admin can upload an image of a product to the application which is then shown in the frontend. The UPLOAD_FOLDER can be set in There, one can also specify the MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH and the valid file types via the VALID_EXTENSIONS property. Through the uploads id, a product can be linked to the Upload and the image.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The Upload id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new Upload. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the Upload was created. It is created automatically with the new Upload. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who performed the Upload. |
filename | String(64) | This is the filename of the image that has been uploaded. It is saved in the UPLOAD_FOLDER and created automatically with the new Upload. |
Depending on the rank, a User has can have different debt limits to his credit.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The Rank id is unique and is used for Identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new Rank. |
name | String(32) | The Rank name is unique and is used for identification in the frontend. |
debt_limit | Integer | This specifies the debt limit a user with given Rank can have in his credit. |
is_system_user | Boolean | Specifies whether users with this rank are system users. |
When a user is verified, he has to be assigned a rank. Afterwards, the rank can always be updated by an admin. Each time a users rank is set or changed, a RankUpdate entry is made. To determine a users current rank, the rank_id field is checked for the latest entry related to the user.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The RankUpdate id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new RankUpdate. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the RankUpdate was created. It is created automatically with the new RankUpdate. |
user_id | Integer | This is the id of the user whose rank was updated. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the who performed the update. |
rank_id | Integer | This is the id of the rank the user was updated to. |
Each item that can be sold through the application has to be a product. A product can only be created by an admin. A product can have an image which is shown in the frontend to identify it. In addition, each product has a price and a pricehistory. Furthermore tags are used to group products into categories.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The Product id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new Product. |
creation_date | DateTime | This is the date and time the Product was created. It is created automatically with the new Product. |
created_by | Integer | This is the id of the admin who created the product. |
name | String(64) | This is the name of the product used to identify it in the frontend. It has to be unique. |
barcode | String(32) | This saves the data represented by the products barcode. This entry is optional, but it has to be unique. |
active | Boolean | This indicates whether the product is active (True) and therefor available in the frontend or not (False). If not specified further, it will automatically be set to True. |
countable | Boolean | This indicates whether the product is countable (True) like a chocolate bar or not countable (False) like coffee powder. If not specified further, it will automatically be set to True. |
revocable | Boolean | This indicates whether the product is revocable (True) or not (False). If not specified further, it will automatically be set to True. |
image_upload_id | Integer | This is the id of the Upload with the products picture. This entry is optional. |
After a product was created, an admin has to set the products price, which he can always update. Therefor, a ProductPrice entry is made. The products price can then be determined by checking the price field of the latest entry related to the product. In Addition, a pricehistory can be determined by listing the id, timestamp and price of all entries related to the product.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The ProductPrice id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new ProductPrice. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the Product was created. It is created automatically with the new Product. |
product_id | Integer | This is the id of the product whose price was set/changed. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who made this change in the products price. |
price | Integer | This is what the product price was set to. |
A Tag can be assigned to each product. They help to sort products into categories in the frontend. All products with the same tag are listed in the same category.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The Tag id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new Tag. |
created_by | Integer | This is the id of the admin who created the Tag. |
name | String(24) | This is the name of the Tag used to identify it in the frontend. It has to be unique. |
is_for-sale | Boolean | Specifies whether products with this tag are for sale. |
If a tag is added or removed from the product, a product_tag_assignments entry is made or the corresponding entry is deleted. A product can have more than one tag. The products tags can be determined by listing all tags from all entries related to the product.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
product_id | Integer | The id of the product the tag was assigned to. |
tag_id | Integer | The id of the tag that was assigned to the product. |
When a user buys a product, a Purchase entry is made. The user has to be verified and the product has to be active. If the purchased product is revocable, the purchase can be revoked, even more than once. So in addition, a revokehistory for the purchase can be called. The price of the purchase is calculated by multiplying the amount with the productprice. All prices of purchases the user has made, which are not revoked, are added and withdrawn from the users credit. Through adding the amounts a user has bought a specific product, a list of the users favorite products can be created.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The Purchase id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new Purchase. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the Product was created. It is created automatically with the new Product. |
user_id | Integer | This is the id of the user who made the purchase. The user has to be verified. |
product_id | Integer | This is the id of the product that has been purchased. The product has to be active |
productprice | Integer | This is the productprice when the purchase was made. It is determined automatically from the ProductPrice table when the purchase is created. |
amount | Integer | This describes the quantity in which the product was purchased. Even products which are not countable are sold in discreet amounts. |
revoked | Boolean | This indicates whether the Purchase is revoked (True) or not (False). If not specified further, it will automatically be set to False. The product has to be revocable. |
If a purchase is revoked or re-revoked, a PurchaseRevoke entry is made. It is used to determine the revokehistory of a purchase by listing the id, timestamp and revoked field of each entry related to the purchase.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The PurchaseRevoke id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new PurchaseRevoke. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the PurchaseRevoke was created. It is created automatically with the new PurchaseRevoke. |
purchase_id | Integer | This is the id of the purchase the revoke was changed for. |
revoked | Boolean | This indicates whether the Purchase is revoked (True) or not (False). The product has to be revocable. |
When an admin fills up the products by buying them from a (system) user with the communities money, he creates a ReplenishmentCollection entry. A replenishmentcollection can be revoked, even more than once. So in addition, a revokehistory for the replenishmentcollection can be called. When creating, the admin has to pass a list of all single replenishments the replenishmentcollection consists of. The price of a replenishmentcollection is the sum of the total_price of all related non-revoked replenishments. This price can be used to give an overview of the communities finances.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The ReplenishmentCollection id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new ReplenishmentCollection. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the ReplenishmentCollection was created. It is created automatically with the new ReplenishmentCollection. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who made the ReplenishmentCollection. |
seller_id | Integer | This is the id of the user from whom the products are purchased. |
revoked | Boolean | This indicates whether the ReplenishmentCollection is revoked (True) or not (False). If not specified further, it will automatically be set to False. |
comment | String(64) | This is a short comment where the admin explains what he bought and why. |
If a replenishmentcollection is revoked or re-revoked by an admin, a ReplenishmentCollectionRevoke entry is made. It is used to determine the revokehistory of a replenishmentcollection by listing the id, timestamp and revoked field of each entry related to the replenishmentcollection.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The ReplenishmentCollectionRevoke id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new ReplenishmentCollectionRevoke. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the ReplenishmentCollectionRevoke was created. It is created automatically with the new ReplenishmentCollectionRevoke. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who changed the revoke status. |
replcoll_id | Integer | This is the id of the replenishmentcollection where the revoked status has been changed. |
revoked | Boolean | This indicates whether the ReplenishmentCollection is revoked (True) or not (False). |
A replenishment is a fill up of a single product and always has to be part of a replenishmentcollection. It can be revoked. If all replenishments of a replenishmentcollection are revoked, the replenishmentcollection is revoked automatically. In this case, the replenishmentcollection can only be rerevoked by rerevoking a replenishment. When rerevoking the replenishmentcollection, the replenishments stay revoked. If not revoked, the replenishments total_price is added to the price of the related replenishmentcollection.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The Replenishment id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new Replenishment. |
replcoll_id | Integer | This is the id of the replenishmentcollection this replenishment belongs to. |
product_id | Integer | This is the id of the product which is being refilled with this replenishment. |
amount | Integer | This describes the quantity in which the product is refilled. |
total_price | Integer | This is the price paid by the admin to an external seller, such as a supermarket, for this replenishment. |
If a user transfers money to the community, an admin has to create a deposit for him. A deposit can be revoked, even more than once. So in addition, a revokehistory for the deposit can be called. The amounts of all deposits related to the user, which are not revoked, are added to the users credit.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The Deposit id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new Deposit. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the Deposit was created. It is created automatically with the new Deposit. |
user_id | Integer | This is the id of the user the deposit was made for. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who made the deposit. |
amount | Integer | This describes the amount (in cents) of the deposit. This is the money the user transferred to the community. |
comment | String(64) | This is a short comment where the admin explains what he did and why. |
revoked | Boolean | This indicates whether the Deposit is revoked (True) or not (False). If not specified further, it will automatically be set to False. |
When an admin revokes or re-revokes a deposit, a DepositRevoke entry is made. It is used to determine the revokehistory of a deposit by listing the id, timestamp and revoked field of each entry related to the purchase.
Name | TYPE | Explanation |
id | Integer | The DepositRevoke id is unique and is used for identification in the application. It is created automatically with a new DepositRevoke. |
timestamp | DateTime | This is the date and time the DepositRevoke was created. It is created automatically with the new DepositRevoke. |
admin_id | Integer | This is the id of the admin who changed the revoke status. |
deposit_id | Integer | This is the id of the deposit where the revoked status has been changed. |
revoked | Boolean | This indicates whether the Deposit is revoked (True) or not (False). |