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⬆️Bump g3w-client v3.10.5 and g3w-client-plugin-editing v3.8.4 #3459

⬆️Bump g3w-client v3.10.5 and g3w-client-plugin-editing v3.8.4

⬆️Bump g3w-client v3.10.5 and g3w-client-plugin-editing v3.8.4 #3459

Workflow file for this run

name: G3W-Suite CI tests
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
qgis_version: ['ltr', 'latest']
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Extract branch name
shell: bash
run: echo "##[set-output name=branch;]$(echo ${GITHUB_REF#refs/heads/})"
id: extract_branch
- name: Starting Docker compose
run: docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml up -d
- name: Copying code into the container
run: |
docker cp ./ "$(docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml ps -q g3w-suite)":/code
- name: Installing Python requirements
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/ && pip3 install -r requirements_docker.txt && pip3 install -r requirements_huey.txt"
- name: Installing Caching Python requirements
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/ && pip3 install -r g3w-admin/caching/requirements.txt"
- name: Installing Filemanager Python requirements
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/ && pip3 install -r g3w-admin/filemanager/requirements.txt"
- name: Installing Qplotly Python requirements
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/ && pip3 install -r g3w-admin/qplotly/requirements.txt"
- name: Installing Openrouteservice Python requirements
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/ && pip3 install -r g3w-admin/openrouteservice/requirements.txt && pip3 install -r g3w-admin/openrouteservice/requirements_testing.txt"
- name: Building g3w-suite
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "/code/ci_scripts/"
- name: Setting up g3w-suite
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "/code/ci_scripts/"
- name: Starting Django
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 runserver" &
- name: Waiting for Django
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "wait-for-it -h localhost -p 8000 -t 240"
- name: Running g3w-admin core tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test core"
- name: Running g3w-admin qdjango tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test qdjango"
- name: Running g3w-admin usersmanage tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test usersmanage"
- name: Running g3w-admin client tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test client"
- name: Running g3w-admin editing tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test editing.tests"
- name: Running g3w-admin caching tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test caching"
- name: Running g3w-admin filemanager tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test filemanager"
- name: Running g3w-admin qplotly tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test qplotly"
- name: Running g3w-admin openrouteservice tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test openrouteservice"
- name: Running g3w-admin qtimeseries tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test qtimeseries"
- name: Running g3w-admin about tests
run: |
docker compose -f docker-compose.${{ matrix.qgis_version }}.yml exec -T g3w-suite sh -c "cd /code/g3w-admin && python3 test about"
- name: Setup tmate session
if: ${{ failure() }}
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true