42478a5 Add open browser on Windows for preview
52495c2 Merge branch 'master' into download-file#177180439
7bb1d3e Merge branch 'master' into puts-the-config-in-right-spot-on-publish
1a18599 Merge pull request #63 from gSchool/download-file#177180439
0405d49 Merge pull request #66 from gSchool/message-updates
8dc81c4 Merge pull request #67 from franklyandy/add-open-browser-on-windows
17944e5 Merge pull request #68 from gSchool/puts-the-config-in-right-spot-on-publish
5999bf8 Merge pull request #69 from gSchool/publish-warns-work-not-on-remote
ca45797 Merge pull request #71 from gSchool/yaml-headers#177447776
cc23138 add config to root repo, also git add from root
7708681 add flag to publish cmd
b6f6514 adds block URL to publish and updates failed messages.
82d1b31 adds min version of each md template
be1203c adds templates for file headers
aacf43e autoconfigheader template added to md command
1be4ef3 bump version
edfdfa3 check if your up to date with remote or has uncommited work;
f450f65 clearer error when parsing yaml header
4bf2e9b create a dummy file for zipping if file > 1mb
e03fd67 default vis has backup behavior when not set
180d2d1 error, adjusted checkpoint markdown
42b09f3 explicitly testing autoconfig generation for defined values
877dbf3 fix bug in single file preview during yaml read inclusion
b8a4754 fix tests around preview / publish differences
6e6c7de fixed readPath vs configpath issue
9bfa866 ignore vscode stuffs
f1cb76d ingore adding files > 1mb to zip
aa39f17 logic bool &&
c91a307 make sure config yaml is added
36651ea make top level command be a var, test it still works in tests
e03adb0 mention flag for minimal template when args wrong
1bb14ad merge in master
28d0e42 minor cleanups from merge
427694c optional minimal flag for markdown
9ada7f8 parse out config yaml and create a slice of paths
4a7b4a3 printing extras
17cd975 reading content file attributes from header and setting in autoconfig
98c10d4 remove md files from ignored paths
8255b2e up buffer size
215a339 updates block released message with URL
5c8ba89 use config yaml paths for zip
ae429cd using api base url for prints
de21aeb using new autoconfig technique and previewing
f3d66bc weird var name issue
c5f5991 when in publish context move target to root of repo
bad0eea when uid or type is not present, attmept to detect
779b101 whitespace in callout templates
db61d8b wip generates with yaml package, ending early for testing