8387f79 Add list of staticcheck issues & helper commands for analysis
a2e6c28 Add script to release an already tagged version via container (#95)
152f3ca Cleanup dependencies w/ go mod tidy
887703e Cli warn version mismatch (#84)
838191b Description yaml#177479156 (#94)
f975e5b Fix S1002 should omit comparison to bool constant
6d956de Fix S1005 unnecessary assignment to the blank identifier
4eb967b Fix SA1006 printf-style function with dynamic format string and no further arguments should use print-style function instead
1febd57 Fix SA4006 this value of err is never used
d3bcaf6 Fix SA5001 should check returned error before deferring file.Close()
06c1380 Fix U1000 unused variables
18e3e44 Fix typo in error message
751e19e Fix typos
6916afa GitHub version#178978300 (#90)
df80c64 Ignore vendor directory and glearn-cli executable
0026406 Merge branch 'publish-branch#177486276' into change-publish-fail-to-warning
e726614 Merge pull request #73 from gSchool/preview-outside-root#177744850
f1f8474 Merge pull request #74 from gSchool/fix-error-message-typo
3180ef6 Merge pull request #75 from gSchool/add-md-upload-template
102fd54 Merge pull request #76 from gSchool/mod-tidy
6edd549 Merge pull request #77 from gSchool/ingore-git-dir-and-contents
afc8fe4 Merge pull request #78 from gSchool/preview-context#177668604
50324df Merge pull request #79 from gSchool/publish-branch#177486276
38609cb Merge pull request #80 from gSchool/change-err-messages
17b9cd5 Merge pull request #81 from gSchool/change-publish-fail-to-warning
21bec90 Merge pull request #82 from gSchool/release-errors#178526399
afac539 Minor non-functional cleanup (#92)
4e702f5 Remove special logic for master branch (#89)
14ae4ac Revert "retrieve the latest version of cli from learn, warn user if they are not matched to current"
fbbdb73 Update TODO w/ latest staticcheck results
8fa234f able to preview content outside one directory
3e99fe4 add in always allow files
2ad9740 add upload challenge to md cmd
d1f03e7 branch acceptable for publish action
374c260 bump version
8bda368 bump version to 0.9.0 for new unit metadata functionality
b516df1 bump version to v0.8.22 for next release
5041e81 change-publish-fail-to-warning
dc21649 check if path is in git dir
d26dad9 context passing to poll
3d11a9f course yaml template update
9a1de21 do not use filepath.Base on source when compressing directory
d1bbfef dont warn on things not zipped
94f864a empty link path does not produce a link (#87)
e44ed40 escape encoded string (#91)
edb99cc fallback for standard description
d236fd5 fix specs now sending url param
1e7345f including data paths in compress directory call (#85)
2750bb7 moved location where docker ignore is read
80954ca nil check on potentially dereference-able pointer value
c11fd03 param is branch_name rather than branch
11d2dfa pass along dockerPaths to compress dir so it can detect files that should be included
5913ba1 release version bump
f6ef306 removed 'Local refs' due to plural issues
9ae9e6f retrieve the latest version of cli from learn, warn user if they are not matched to current
34b4c61 star type callout
7c5833d test compressDirectory function (#86)
9b00b45 tweak messaging on preview for files larger than 1mb and for publish larger than 20 mb
68f0604 uid to true for upload markdown
e114b31 update the output of the markdown
dd1ea06 using git remote show origin to detect branch push condition
61fb63a version bump
afe9601 warnings and errors on releases printed when publishing