This repo contains an initial working repository for Pushtape, a drupal distribution for creating music-oriented websites.
- NOTE: Still in development -- doesn't work yet. below info is planned
For drupal/pushtape install procedure, you must access http://site-name.tld/install.php directly. Drupal won't redirect http://site-name.tld to the install page directly, because settings.php has been modified with database settings.
Based on Debian.
MariaDB or MySQL DB setup is automatic through docker linking with appropriate environment variables for the DB container.
I think it's set up correctly, but haven't really checked.
Untested cron with crontab installed.
Supervisor configured to run SSH, Memcache, and Apache, but logging doesn't work correctly with 'docker logs' or 'fig logs'
Any thoughts?
- Drush
- PHP-FPM :: Apache isn't configured to use this, but maybe at some point. PR's welcome!
- git :: should probably remove this..
- Clean yum cache and logs in Dockerfile
- Set up PHP-FPM
- Set up supervisor logging correctly
- Set up volumes ** What is useful for this? Just Files? entire sites directory?
- Set up PHP configuration variables with environment, e.g. max_execution_time, memory_limit
- SSH Root access should be revoked, need user/pass generation/env vars.