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Simulation of 2D Ising model using the Metropolis algorithm for GR6036 Statistical Mechanics

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Ising Model Simulation


  • You should have some version of python 3.x with numpy, matplotlib, numba, and multiprocessing installed.
    • If you don't have these, you can always pip install --user package_name or add them to a conda environment.


  • To simulate, run python

    • The default simulation will run for L = [10, 16, 24, 36] and 300 temperature points between 0.015 and 4.5.
    • The computationally heavy functions (i.e. energy(), magnetization(), and mc_step_metropolis() are all either vectorized or compiled just-in-time with numba.
    • The code should also detect how many CPU cores your computer has available and parallelize the calculation for each temperatue.
    • Without parallelization, the entire calculation (on an older Nevis computer) takes ~8-9 hrs. On my MacBook Pro with parallelization to 12 cores, I estimate it should take ~30-45 mins.
  • The simulation will store the results for each lattice size L as structured arrays on .npy files under ./data.

    • These should contain data for E, M, C, Chi, and T that are easy to read-in and plot.


  • To make plots, run python
    • This will generate plots under ./plots.
    • These include plots of the energy, magnetization, heat capacity, susceptibility, critical temperatures, etc.

If you want to run your own analysis

  • You can read-in the saved structured arrays by just replacing X below with the desired system size:
import numpy as np

with open("./path_to_data/ising_2d_L_X.npy", "rb") as f:
  array = np.load(f)
  • You can then access the data from these arrays as T = array["T"] or Chi = array["Chi"] and run your own scripts.


I still need to finish fleshing out the analysis and writing some documentation for it, so just use it with this in mind!


Simulation of 2D Ising model using the Metropolis algorithm for GR6036 Statistical Mechanics






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