This is a SQL compiler for edge.js branched from edge-sql. It allows accessing databases from Node.js using Edge.js through ADO.NET At the moment two kinds of databases are supported: mySql and
This contains some major improvements as:
- support for multiple result set: they are returned as [ {meta:[column names], rows:[[..]]}, {meta:[column names], rows:[[..]]}, ....}
- support for DateTime values
- support for transactions having the ability to open and close a connection keeping it open in the while
- support for null values
- callback option. When a callback is not specified, output is in the form {meta:[column names], rows:[[array of values]]}. When a callback is specified meta and rows are given separately, with packets of max 'packetsize' rows of data. If packetsize is not specified, each resultset will be returned with a call to the callback function
- support for Decimal values
- support for any kind of command, via a cmd parameter. If it is 'nonquery', a (.net) ExecuteNonQuery is runned, otherwise a (.net) ExecuteReaderAsync
- support for smallint (Int16) values
- it is possible to give connectionString as parameter
- it is possible to give a connection handler as parameter. The connection handler can be obtained via an open(connectionString) command and used in subsequent operations.
- additional commands provided through cmd parameter are: open, close, nonquery. "nonquery" commands are useful for updating db, where the result is the number of rows affected. This value is returned in "rowcount" output field.
For any other information: read the code :)
In all the examples, a JQuery Deferred is used.
var Deferred = require("JQDeferred");
function edgeOpen(adoString) {
var def = Deferred(),
edgeOpenInternal = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{ source: 'open',
connectionString: adoString,
cmd: 'open'
function (error, result) {
var i;
if (error) {
if (result) {
//result is a handler to a sql connection
def.reject('shouldnt reach here');
return def.promise();
function edgeClose(handler) {
var def = Deferred(),
edgeCloseInternal = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{ handler: handler,
cmd: 'close'
edgeCloseInternal({}, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return def.promise();
* Executes a sql command and returns a Deferred that will be resolved with the resultset.
* @method simpleQuery
* @param {string} query
* @param {string} connectionString
* @returns {[array of plain objects]}
function simpleQuery(query, connectionString) {
var edgeQuery = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{connectionString: connectionString, source: query}),
def = Deferred();
edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
def.resolve(simpleObjectify(result[0].meta, result[0].rows );
return def.promise();
This example makes use of a function, simpleObjectify, to transform raw-data coming from sql-server into plain objects:
* simplified objectifier having an array of column names for first argument
* @private
* @param {Array} colNames
* @param {Array} rows
* @returns {Array}
function simpleObjectify(colNames, rows) {
var colLength = colNames.length,
rowLength = rows.length,
result = [],
rowIndex = rowLength,
while( --rowIndex >=0){
row = rows[rowIndex];
colIndex = colLength;
while(--colIndex >=0){
value[colNames[colIndex]]= row[colIndex];
result[rowIndex] = value;
return result;
for example you could use simply use this function this way:
simpleQuery('select * from orders', connectionString)
//do something with the result
//show error
* Executes a sql command and returns a deferred that will be resolved with an array of all the resultset.
* @method multipleQuery
* @param {string} query
* @param {string} connectionString
* @returns a Deferred that will be resolved with [ [array of plain objects], [array of plain objects].. * one for each resultset ]
function multipleQuery(query, connectionString) {
var edgeQuery = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{connectionString: connectionString, source: query}),
def = Deferred();
edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
var res = [];
for (i=0; i< result.length; i++){
res.push(simpleObjectify(result[i].meta, result[i].rows));
return def.promise();
* Executes a sql command and returns a deferred that will be resolved with an array of all the resultset.
* @method multipleQueryHandler
* @param {string} query
* @param {int} handler
* @returns a Deferred that will be resolved with [ [array of plain objects], [array of plain objects].. * one for each resultset ]
function multipleQueryHandler(query, handler) {
var edgeQuery = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{handler: handler, source: query}),
def = Deferred();
edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
var res = [];
for (i=0; i< result.length; i++){
res.push(simpleObjectify(result[i].meta, result[i].rows));
return def.promise();
Execute a generic sql command returning more than one resultset, being notified one resultset at a time
* Executes a sql command and returns a Deferred that will be notified with all resultset, one at a time.
* @method multipleQueryHandlerNotify
* @param {string} query
* @param {int} connection handler
* @returns {*} calls the callback with all resultset
function multipleQueryHandlerNotify(query, handler) {
var def = Deferred(),
callback = function (data, resCallBack) {
if (data.meta) {
lastMeta = data.meta;
} else {
def.notify(simpleObjectify(lastMeta, data.rows));
edgeQuery = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{handler: handler, source: query, callback:callback });
edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return def.promise();
* Executes a series of sql update/insert/delete commands
* @method updateBatch
* @param {string} query batch of sql commands to execute
* @param {int} handler handler for the connection or connection string
* @returns {*}
function updateBatch(query,handler) {
var edgeQuery = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{handler: handler, cmd:'nonquery', source: query, callback:callback });
def = Deferred();
edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return def.promise();
* Gets data packets row at a time
* @method queryPackets
* @param {string} query
* @param {number} packSize
* @param {string} connectionString
* @returns {*}
function queryPackets(query, packSize, connectionString) {
var def = Deferred(),
packetSize = packSize || 0,
callback = function (data, resCallBack) {
if (data.meta) {
lastMeta = data.meta;
} else {
def.notify(simpleObjectify(lastMeta, data.rows));
edgeQuery = edge.func('sql-maxpower',
{source: query, callback: callback, packetSize: packetSize,
edgeQuery({}, function (error, result) {
if (error) {
return def.promise();
See jsSqlServerDriver or mySqlDriver for examples of using this library.