Javascript Sql Server driver. Allows you to read/write and do anything you want with a MS Sql Server database using javascript. Every command returns a promise of a jQuery Deferred object
Some of the available method are
Change current used schema for this connection
Sets the Transaction isolation level for current connection
Check login/password, returns true if successful, false if user/password does not match
Opens the underlying connection and sets the current specified schema
Closes the underlying connection
Executes a sql command and returns all sets of results. Each Results is given via a notify or resolve
@param {string} query sql command to execute
@param {boolean} [raw] if true, data are left in raw state and will be objectified by the client
@returns {*} a sequence of {[array of plain objects]} or {meta:[column names],rows:[arrays of raw data
Gets a table and returns each SINGLE row by notification. Can return more than a table
- For each table read emits a {meta:[column descriptors]} notification, and for each row of data emits a series of
- {row:object read from db} if raw= false
- {row: [array of values read from db]} if raw= true
Gets data with a query getting (max) n row at a time
Executes a series of sql update/insert/delete commands
Begins a transaction
Commits a transaction
RollBacks a transaction
Get the string representing a select command
- @param {object} options
- @param {string} options.tableName
- @param {string} options.columns
- @param {sqlFun} [options.filter]
- @param {string} []
- @param {string} [options.orderBy]
- @param {object} [options.environment]
- @returns {string}
sqlFun is an object used in jsDataQuery
Get the string representing a select count(*) command
- @param {object} options
- @param {string} options.tableName
- @param {sqlFun} [options.filter]
- @param {object} [options.environment]
- @returns {string}
Get the string representing a delete command
- @param {object} options
- @param {string} options.tableName
- @param {sqlFun} [options.filter]
- @param {object} [options.environment]
- @returns {string}
Get the string representing an insert command
- @param {string} table
- @param {Array} columns
- @param {Array} values
- @returns {string}
Get the string representing an update command
- @param {object} options
- @param {string} options.table
- @param {sqlFun} options.filter
- @param {Array} options.columns
- @param {Array} options.values
- @param {object} [options.environment]
- @returns {string}
Call SP with a list of parameters each of which is an object having:
- value,
- optional 'sqltype' name compatible with the used db, necessary if is an output parameter
- optional out: true if it is an output parameter
The SP eventually returns a collection of tables and (finally) an object with a property for each output parameter of the SP
- @param {object} options
- @param {string} options.spName
- @param {Array} options.paramList
- @param {boolean} [options.raw=false]
- @returns {Array}
Gets information about a db table
- @param {string} tableName
- @returns {Array}
- The result has columns: DBO, name, type, len, precision, scale, is_nullable, pk
Gets the sqlFormatter for this kind of connection. This returns a jsSqlServerFormatter (see jsSqlServerFormatter. This is meant to be used in jsDataQuery
Runs a sql script, eventually composed of multiple blocks separed by GO lines
- @param {string} script
see test specs for examples of use