This project provides high-level SSH client interfaces using SwiftNIO SSH.
Swift SSH Client
is compatible with iOS 13.0+ and macOS 10.5+.
SSH is a multiplexed protocol: each SSH connection is subdivided into multiple bidirectional communication channels.
Swift SSH Client
reflects this pattern. The first step is to set a connection up:
let connection = SSHConnection(
host: "my_host",
port: my_port,
authentication: SSHAuthentication(
username: "my_username",
method: .password(.init("my_password")),
hostKeyValidation: .acceptAll()
try await connection.start()
Once connected, you can start executing concrete SSH operations on child communication channels.
As SSH Client
means to be a high level interface, you do not directly interact with them.
Instead you use interfaces dedicated to your use case.
- SSH commands
let response = try await connection.execute("echo Hello\n")
// Handle response
for try await chunk in"echo World\n") {
// Handle chunk
- SSH shell
let shell = try await connection.requestShell()
for try await chunk in {
// Handle chunk
- SFTP client
let sftpClient = try await connection.requestSFTPClient()
// directories
try await sftpClient.createDirectory(at: "./new")
try await sftpClient.removeDirectory(at: "./new")
// files
let file = try await client.openFile(at: "./new/file.txt", flags: .create)
try await file.write("Hello World!".data(using: .utf8)!)
try await file.close()
// and more
You keep track of the connection state, using the dedicated stateUpdateHandler
connection.stateUpdateHandle = { state in
switch state {
case .idle, .failed:
// Handle disconnection
case .ready:
// Handle connection start
As SSHConnection
represents the overall SSH connection, if it ends, all the SSH operations or clients linked to it will end accordingly.
Consider the 0.1
version as a beta version. From patch to patch, the project API can change a lot.
Swift SSH Client
is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.txt
file for more info.