- Create a Restful API according to the specification in the swagger.yaml;
- Requirements:
- Pure PHP;
- PSR-12;
- Services should have as few sql requests as possible;
- Requirements:
- Create a database structure and put migrations in /database/migrations folder;
- Example of migration is provided in the /database/migrations/1713358478_example.sql file;
- Mock data is located in the /data folder;
- Create SPA application with a web page to display the courses and categories;
- Design layouts are located in the /design folder;
- Pixel perfect is not required;
- Requirements:
- Any front-end framework can be used, but pure technologies are preferred;
- Layout key features include:
- By default, all courses should be displayed;
- By clicking on a category, only courses from that category should be displayed;
- On the desktop layout, titles and descriptions are truncated with ellipses;
- If category has courses the count of courses should be displayed and value should include count of courses in child categories;
- Each course card should display name of the main category of the course;
- Restrictions:
- Each course should belong to only one category;
- Max depth of the categories tree is 4;
- Design layouts are located in the /design folder;
docker-compose up --build
API host: http://api.cc.localhost
DB host: http://db.cc.localhost
Front host: http://cc.localhost
Traefik dashboard:
DB credentials - look at the docker-compose.yml
Api docs are in swagger.yml