Linux daemon for specifying bluetooth triggers at the ease of crontab.
Read BlueT as "Blue Tea"
- Global one in
- User local in
- Scripts are run in users home folder
- To reload the rules, use
systemctl reload bluet
or for user daemonsystemctl --user reload bluet
One trigger rule per line
Lines starting with
are ignored -
Rule structure:
<filter> <address> <event> <!username> <command>
ANY 11:22:33:44:55:66 FOUND ./
= Match any devicePAIRED
= Match only paired devicesNOT_PAIRED
= Match only devices that are not paired
address (Bluetooth address matching):
= Match devices regardless their BT addressaa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
= Match only device with this BT address
event (Event to listen for):
= Trigger command when device connectsDISCONNECT
= Trigger command when device disconnectsFOUND
= Trigger command when device comes to proximity of your PCLOST
= Trigger command when device leaves from proximity of your PC
! username
- ONLY valid in global
triggers file. - Specifies under which user to run the
- ONLY valid in global
- Command to be run in default user terminal
- Working directory is set to users home folder
- Don't forget to add
prefix if running script from your home directory
- Global in
- Local user daemon config in
- To load new config file, use
systemctl bluet restart
orsystemctl --user bluet restary
(reload is not enough, must be restarted) - Written in TOML
rssi_threshold = int
(default -70)- Minimum signal strength to consider device to be in proximity and trigger FOUND rule.
timeout_for_disconnect = int
(default 30)- If not pings from device for <timeout_for_disconnect> seconds, trigger LOST event.
expired_check = int
(default 5)- Check if some device is LOST each <expired_check> seconds.
bluetooth_device = OPTIONAL(String)
(default None)- Bluetooth device to use for scanning, if not present, default device is used
- Build the project:
cargo build --package bluet --bin bluet_daemon --release --features="daemon"
- Copy binary to bin:
sudo cp target/release/bluet_daemon /usr/bin
- Copy service definition file:
sudo cp bluet.service /etc/systemd/system
- Reload services files:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- Enable bluet service:
sudo systemctl enable bluet
- Build the project:
cargo build --package bluet --bin bluet_daemon --release --features="daemon"
- Change service definition file to point to bluet_daemon binary file. Must be absolute path!
- Copy service definition file:
sudo cp bluet.service ~/.config/systemd/user
- Reload services files:
sudo systemctl --user daemon-reload
- Enable bluet service:
sudo systemctl --user enable bluet
- Running
- Installed
- If you get command not found
for script you have in your home directory, change its path to./
- Rule is not working: Maybe the rule is defined incorrectly. Check
systemctl status bluet
/systemctl --user status bluet
for logs. If there was error parsing the rule, you will se it here.
- Generate development documentation using
cargo doc --no-deps --document-private-items --bin bluet_daemon --workspace --all-features
- It will be saved in