A weekly updated and data miners-friendly list of movie ratings by Piero Scaruffi (scaruffi.com), from 1980 to present (why 1980? Because it is the first year that Piero have movie ratings for every year with numbers and not just with simple rankings). In the "best by decades" folder there are the best by decade lists parsed manually. Ratings are parsed in parser.py. Columns are ratings, directors and movies (for now).
In main.py you can find a simple Telegram bot made using pyTelegramBotAPI library, Flask and Pandas, that search inside the CSV and return an easy-to-read list of ratings. You can find it on telegram on @scaruffi_cinemabot. Start the bot, then you can type a movie (using the English title) or a director and you will obtain the search results with ratings. Or you can use commands like /best1970s, /best1980s, etc.. to retrieve the best by decade lists.
- Parsing movies metadata, especially for showing movie years in search results.
- Show other ratings, like Metascore or IMDB, for comparison.