Спроба розрахувати скільки Монобанк заробляє на моїх покупках.
- IC for partial refunds
- IC for international acquiring when currency code differs
- jq
Протестовано на MacOS. Деякий синтаксис може бути специфічний для MacOS і вимагатиме адаптації для Linux (наприклад утиліти date).
- Only for Mono API.
- Only for Mono Mastercard regular card. Iron, platinum or visa cards calculations would be different.
- Command for downloading spendings report is for default account. If you spend from White card it won't be taken into account.
- Doesn't handle partial and full refunds properly. E.g. when WOG pay charges higher amount for full trunk and then refund difference with actual gas used. In this case, calculation shows higher Mono earnings than actual
- Doesn't take into account if operation is with international acquiring (e.g. pay for Apple music). In this case, calculation shows lower Mono earnings than actual
- Uses assumed lowest possible interchange rate. Thus calculation shows lower Mono earnings than actual. See comments in around MCC code handling for details.
- Отримати персональний токен https://api.monobank.ua/
- Скачати виписку за останні 30 днів:
token="<my token is here>"
curl -H "X-Token: $token" https://api.monobank.ua/personal/statement/0/$(date -j -v-30d +%s)/$(date +%s) > transactions.json
- Виконати скрипт:
printf "%-65s | %-15s | %-9s | %-11s | %-12s\n" "Опис" "Сумма" "Кешбек" "Комісія моно" "Моно заробив"
cat transactions.json | jq -c '.[]' | while read -r object; do
description=$(echo "$object" | jq .description)
mcc=$(echo "$object" | jq .mcc)
amount=$(echo "$object" | jq .operationAmount)
cashback=$(echo "$object" | jq .cashbackAmount)
let normAmount=amount
if [ "$amount" -lt 0 ]; then
let normAmount=-amount
if [ "$normAmount" -lt 100 ]; then
# if less than 100 there is no IC
case "$mcc" in
# special cases with specific (usually lower) IC
let "interchange=-amount*0.007"
"9311" | "9211" | "9222" | "9223" | "9399")
let "interchange=-amount*0.0055+1200"
"9402" | "4111" | "7523")
let "interchange=-amount*0.005"
# Common IC for "Contactless terminal".
# Taken as possible lowest IC because lower values can be ignored:
# - Merchant UCAF: Mono supports 3ds and this is for cases when issuer doesn't support
# - Masterpass: I think it is already decommisioned; anyway rarely used
let "interchange=-amount*0.018"
let transactionEarnings=interchange-cashback
let sum+=transactionEarnings
let "normAmount=normAmount/100.0"
let "normCashback=cashback/100.0"
let "normInterchange=interchange/100.0"
let "normTransactionEarnings=transactionEarnings/100.0"
printf "%-65s | %11.2f грн | %5.2f грн | %8.2f грн | %5.2f грн\n" $description $normAmount $normCashback $normInterchange $normTransactionEarnings
let "sum/=100.0"
printf "Усього Mono заробив (приблизно, дивись обмеження в коді): %0.2f гривень" $sum
Створити CSV зі своїми транзакціями щоб легше було дивитися в застосунку який відкриває spreadsheets.
jq -r 'map({description,mcc,hold,amount,operationAmount,currencyCode,commissionRate,cashbackAmount}) | (first | keys_unsorted) as $keys | map([to_entries[] | .value]) as $rows | $keys,$rows[] | @csv' transactions.json > transactions.csv