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Ghislain edited this page Feb 15, 2016 · 5 revisions

Questions implemented in QA4LOV System

Here we list the type of questions in natural language handle by the system.

Q1- What is [vocab]
Example: What is prov?
property: dcterms:description
ISSUE: some vocab prefixes don't show up
Status: DONE

Q2- Where is [vocab] from?
Example: where is foaf from? answer
same As: "Who publish [vocab]"
property: dcterms:publisher Status: DONE

Q3- How old is [vocab]
Example: How old is prov
Answer: 3 years old.
Status: DONE

Q4- When was [vocab] release?
Example: When was voaf release?
Answer: 2011-03-11
Status: DONE

Q5- What are the contributors of [vocab]
Example: contributors of adms
Status: DONE

Q6- When is/was [vocab] last update?
Example: when was foaf last update
Answer: 2014-01-14
Status: DONE

Q7- What are the contributors of [vocab]
Example: contributors of voaf
Status: DONE
ISSUE: Different URIs can point to same Name.

Q8- What are the versions of [vocab] Example: schema version
property: dcat#distribution
Status: DONE

Q9- What are the languages of [vocab]
Example: what are the languages of dcat?
Status: DONE

Q10- Where to find [vocab] documentation? -->homepage
Example: Where to find foaf documentation?
Status: DONE

Q11- How many vocabularies reuse [vocab]?
Example: How many vocabularies reuse adms?
Answer: 18
Status: DONE

Q12- How many dataset use [vocab]?
Example: How many datasets use adms?
Answer: 3
Status: DONE

Q13- What is the namespace of [vocab]?
Example: What is the namespace of dcterms?
Status: DONE

Q14- What is the title of [vocab]?
Example: What is the title of foaf?
Answer: Friend of a Friend vocabulary
Status: DONE

Q15- What is the category of [vocab]?
Example: What is the category of dcterms?
Answer: Metadata
Status: DONE

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