Become a test data wizard, generating data quickly and easily.
- Separate images into different folders according to percentages
- Delete background in images
- Generate scenarios with test data
- ✨ Magic ✨
Using pip
pip install ai-cv-utils
aicv split <source of files> -t <train_folder> -v <validation_folder> -x <test_folder> -T <train_percent> -V <validation_percent> -X <test_percent>
aicv rmbg -s <source of files> -t <target>
aicv yologen -b <source of background> -s <samples_folder> -o <outout_folder> -f <format_of_images> -z <percent_samples_size> -d <sample_degree_to_rotate> -q <qty_stages>
ai-cv-utils is provided under a AGPL3+ license that can be found in the LICENSE file. By using, distributing, or contributing to this project, you agree to the terms and conditions of this license.