SMS synchronization daemon for Jolla devices
Everything is connected now. You want to be able to read the sms you received on your phone directly on your computer, or on your tablet.
smssync fill the gap, allowing to synchronize your sms with you desktop computer or your tablet.
WARNING: this sofware is in alpha stage. use at your own risks
- no configuration interface yet
- requires a dedicated, reacheable MQTT server (such as mosquitto)
- SSL required, but low security (no certificate validation or hostname check)
- no authentication support yet
! do not use it for sensible informations, or only on a local network you control !
NOTE: SSL is mandatory, so you need to configure your MQTT server in order to accept SSL connections
- install the application either through Warehouse or by downloading & installing rpm file directly
- edit /etc/xdg/harbour-smssync/harbour-smssyncd.conf and set your correct values
# mqtt server ip address
# mqtt server port
# device name (used in MQTT topic)
# MQTT keepalive and ping delay (in seconds)
- restart smssyncd daemon (you need to open a shell on your jolla device)
$> systemctl --user restart harbour-smssyncd
you can use any MQTT client to read sms received on/sent from your Jolla phone. Here is an example using mosquitto client:
~$> mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t smssync/#
"type": "msg",
"dir": "in",
"id": "c7a4ba96-8233-408e-8922-653fd1baec2d",
"content": "What's up, bro?",
"contact": {"name": "John Doe","phoneNumber": "+33XXXXXXXXX"}
For convenience, I provide a simple python client in desktop-notification-client/ directory. This client display *sent & received sms * as desktop notifications (for 20 seconds).
It connects by default to mqtt server localhost:1883
~/harbour-smssync $> ./desktop-notification-client/smssync-notify --help
usage: smssync-notify [-h] [--server server] [--port port] [--ssl]
[--cacert cacert]
Smssync notification client
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--server server MQTT server
--port port MQTT port
--ssl connect using SSL protocol
--cacert cacert SSL CA certificate
- configuration interface
- send sms from remote device
- sms read status sync (jolla -> desktop and desktop -> jolla)
- SSL encryption for MQTT notifications
- MQTT authentication
- end-to-end encryption
- feature-full desktop client
- phone calls events notification & action (hangup)
harbour-smssync is distributed under GPL3 license terms.
- main author: Guillaume Bour [email protected]
- icon: derived from by shokunin