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Simulate Erwhi on AWS RoboMaker

Giovanni Bruno edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 9 revisions

Check steps in this wiki page.
If you have done all these steps you can proceed.

1. Create a Development Environment

  1. Go to AWS RoboMaker.
  2. Check if your region is correct.
  3. Click on "Development environments"
  4. Click on Create environment
  5. Give a name to the environment (e.g. erwhi-env)
  6. Choose an instance type, default is m4.large
  7. Select VPC and Subnets
  8. Press on Create

2. Setup your environment

  1. Click on your environment (e.g. erwhi-env) and then press to Open environment, Cloud9 will open
  2. We need to create a ROS workspace so in terminal tab type:
    mkdir -p erwhi_ws/src
  3. Now we need to install dependencies for Intel Realsense D435 ROS package. Follow this guide referencing Ubuntu 16.04 and install all packages.

3. Clone repositories

  1. In terminal tab type:
    cd erwhi_ws/src
  2. Now type:
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone
    git clone

4. Build Erwhi workspace

  1. update ros dependencies typing:
    cd ..
    rosdep update
  2. install all dependencies required to build Erwhi workspace:
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  3. build:
    colcon build
  4. source environment:
    source install/

5. Bundle and copy to S3

  1. Type:
    colcon bundle
    aws s3 cp bundle/output.tar s3://bucket-source/erwhi.tar
    NOTE: edit bucket-source with your bucket name

6. Create a simulation application

  1. Go back to RoboMaker dashboard
  2. Click on Simulation application and press on Create simulation application
  3. Give a name (e.g. erwhi-sim)
  4. Go to sources and add your source path, it should be something like:
    NOTE: edit bucket-source with your bucket name
  5. Press on Create

7. Create a Simulation Job

  1. Click on Simulation Job and then press on Create simulation job
  2. Choose how many time your simulation needs (e.g. 15minutes)
  3. Choose a robomaker role (e.g. erwhi-robomaker)
  4. Add a path for logs and bags, it should be something like:
    NOTE: edit bucket-output with your bucket name
  5. Press on Next
  6. Select None for robot application and confirm by pressing Next
  7. Choose erwhi-sim application
  8. In launch package name, type: erwhi_gazebo
    and in launch file: erwhi_gazebo.launch
  9. Press Next
  10. Review your simulation job, then press Create
  11. Wait for green running label

8. Play with Erwhi in Gazebo

You can use same tutorial for standard Gazebo or simply:

  • open gazebo with a double-click aws_gazebo_screenshot
  • open rviz with a double-click
  • in rviz add RobotModel and MapCloud
  • using 2D Nav Goal Erwhi will reach a position aws_rviz_screenshot
  • to run autonomous navigation open terminal with a double-click and type:
    roslaunch erwhi_navigation explore.launch