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Managing the lifecycle of machine learning to support scalability, impact, collaboration, compliance and sharing.


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Making it easy to compliantly manage the machine learning lifecycle
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Contributing
  5. Breaking Changes
  6. License
  7. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Product Screen Shot

Bailo helps you manage the lifecycle of machine learning to support scalability, impact, collaboration, compliance and sharing.

Built With

Getting Started


  • Node v22
  • Docker / Docker Compose


To run in standalone mode, not development mode (http://localhost:8080). Not for production use:

docker build -t "bailo:standalone" -f ./Dockerfile.standalone .
docker run --name bailo -p 8080:8080 -d bailo:standalone

To run in development mode (modified files on your host machine will be reloaded into the running application):

git clone && cd Bailo
npm install
npm run certs

# This builds all the Bailo images, rerun it when you update dependencies.
docker compose build --parallel

# Then run the development instance of Bailo.
docker compose up -d

On first run, it may take a while (up to 30 seconds) to start up. It needs to build several hundred TypeScript modules. These are cached however, so future starts only require a few seconds. You should access the site via localhost:8080.

The registry requires a JWKS file for the token authentication with the backend application. For development, a JWKS file is generated by running npm run certs. For production, the script generateJWKS.ts can be used to generate a JWKS file for the public key referenced in the backend application configuration.

Service Ports

Service Host Notes
Next UI 3000 Stored in frontend
NodeJS App 3001 Stored in backend
Mongo 27017 No credentials
Registry 5000 HTTPS only, no UI
Minio UI 9001 minioadmin:minioadmin
Minio 9000 minioadmin:minioadmin
MailCrab 1080 Fake email server

** Note: these credentials are intentionally basic/default, but in your own instances we recommend changing them to something more secure.

We expect the administrator to provide their own forms of authentication. By default all users authenticate using as 'user'.

You can test out your new deployment using the example models which can be found in frontend/cypress/fixtures and There are also example forms in the scripts folder minimal_model_schema.json, minimal_data_card_schema.json and minimal_access_request_schema.json.

Logical Project Flow (Overview)

bailo diagram

  1. A user accesses a URL. We use NextJS routing to point it to a file in frontend/pages. [xxx].tsx files accept any route, xxx.tsx files allow only that specific route.
  2. Data is loaded using SWR. Data loaders are stored in frontend/actions. Each one exposes variables to specify if it is loading, errored, data, etc.
  3. Requests to the backend get routed through express within backend/src/routes.ts. Each route is an array with all items being middleware except the last, which is the handler ([...middleware, handler]).
  4. Routes interact with the database via mongoose, which stores models in backend/src/models.

Known Issues

  • Issue: Sometimes Docker struggles when you add a new dependency.
    Fix: Run docker compose down --rmi all followed by docker compose up --build.

  • Issue: Sometimes SWR fails to install its own binary and the project will refuse to start up (development only)
    Fix: Run npm uninstall next && npm install next. Some users report still having issues. If so, run: rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf package-lock.json && npm cache clean -f && npm i.

  • Issue: Unable to authenticate to the Docker registry / compile binaries.
    Fix: Make sure that your authentication proxy is setup to allow the 'Authorisation' header. Make sure that your application is able to access the Docker registry internally as it will not provide user authentication.


See our user documentation


  • Export/Import of Releases with Files.
  • Model LifeCycle State.
  • Model Organisation.
  • Improve Open Source Ways of Working.
  • Export/Import of Releases with Docker Images.


If you'd like to make a contribution then the details for doing all of that are in


Bailo is released under the Apache 2.0 Licence and is covered by Crown Copyright. See LICENSE.txt for more information.



Managing the lifecycle of machine learning to support scalability, impact, collaboration, compliance and sharing.




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