released this
09 Apr 23:10
0.7.1 (10.04.2017)
make value labels support in the base R and other packages (via 'factor' for class 'labelled')
radically improved performace for 'cro_' and 'fre_ ' due to 'data.table' under the hood
multiple/nested banners/variables suppport in 'cro_*'
add 'datatable' for tables representation in Shiny
add 'htmlTables' for tables representation in RStudio viewer and for knitting to html
add methods for where
for vectors/matrices/lists
less cryptic message about bad number of rows in modify
.N now is preferable to .n inside modify
and etc.
Functions for default dataset now invisibly return modified default dataset
Fix logical arguments in boolean operations for criteria functions
are deprecated. Use %row_in%
NULL argument for criterion is removed. Use not_na
remove default
argument in ifs
. Use TRUE ~ default_value instead.
add usual vectors functions additionally to infix versions.
add 'do_repeat' function
add functions for weighted statistics - 'w_mean', 'w_median', 'w_cor' and etc.
add 'nest' function for creation nested tables.
remove 'category', 'category_df' - use 'as.category' instead
remove 'dichotomy', 'dichotomy1' - use 'dummy', 'dummy1' instead
remove 'dichotomy_df', 'dichotomy_df1' - use 'as.dichotomy' instead
remove labelled matrix support
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