released this
10 Aug 20:32
0.8.1 (10.08.2017)
add significance testing (see ?significance)
add support for table output for Jupyter notebooks
add 'use_labels' function for experimental support variable labels in base R functions and third party packages (see ?use_labels)
increased table functions performance
increased 'as.dichotomy'/'dummy' performance
increased 'vlookup'/'vlookup_df' performance
numerous bugfixes
now 'keep'/'except'/'by_groups' operate with NSE. For standard evaluation just surround you variable with round brackets
add print options 'commented' for printing tables to console with '#'
add functions 'split_separate'/'split_off'
add 'prepend_names'/'prepend_labels' - issue #2
add 'indirect'/'indirect_list' - aliases for 'vars'/'vars_list'
add 'mis_val' - alias for 'na_if'
add 'unsafe' argument for _fun/ _fun_df.
add '..' object for parameter substitution inside 'compute' and etc. Usage: '..$param_name'. For details: ?..
'.set'/'set' inside 'compute' and etc. are deprecated. Use '%into%' instead.
expansion of variables in backticks inside 'vars'/'vars_list'/'%into%' is removed. Use explicit 'subst' instead
infix/assignment versions removed: '%modify%', '%compute%', '%sort_asc%', '%sort_desc%', '%keep%', '%except%', '%where%', '%by_groups%'
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