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gdetari committed Sep 30, 2024
1 parent cbc7d24 commit afb81de
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Showing 3 changed files with 121 additions and 48 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Sources/SymSpellSwift/SuggestItem.swift
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import Foundation

/// Spelling suggestion returned from lookup
public struct SuggestItem: Comparable, Hashable {
/// The suggested correctly spelled word
public var term = ""
/// Edit distance between searched for word and suggestion.
public var distance = 0
/// Frequency of suggestion in the dictionary (a measure of how common the word is)
public var count = 0

public static func < (lhs: SuggestItem, rhs: SuggestItem) -> Bool {
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12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions Sources/SymSpellSwift/SuggestionStage.swift
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import Foundation

import Foundation

extension SymSpell {
class SuggestionStage {
private struct Node: Equatable {
Expand All @@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ extension SymSpell {
var first: Int

private var deletes: [Int: Entry]
private var deletes: [String: Entry]
private var nodes = [Node]()

init(initialCapacity: Int? = nil) {
Expand All @@ -36,16 +38,16 @@ extension SymSpell {

func add(_ deleteHash: Int, suggestion: String) {
var entry = deletes[deleteHash, default: Entry(count: 0, first: -1)]
func add(_ delete: String, suggestion: String) {
var entry = deletes[delete, default: Entry(count: 0, first: -1)]
let next = entry.first
entry.count += 1
entry.first = nodes.count
deletes[deleteHash] = entry
deletes[delete] = entry
nodes.append(Node(suggestion: suggestion, next: next))

func commitTo(_ permanentDeletes: inout [Int: [String]]) {
func commitTo(_ permanentDeletes: inout [String: [String]]) {

for (key, value) in deletes {
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153 changes: 110 additions & 43 deletions Sources/SymSpellSwift/SymSpell.swift
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import Foundation

public final class SymSpell {
public enum Verbosity: CaseIterable {
class SymSpell {
/// .top: Top suggestion with the highest term frequency of the suggestions of smallest edit distance found.
/// .closest: All suggestions of smallest edit distance found, suggestions ordered by term frequency.
/// .all: All suggestions within maxEditDistance, suggestions ordered by edit distance , then by term frequency (slower, no early termination).
enum Verbosity: CaseIterable {
case top, closest, all

public struct Segmentation {
var segmentedString = ""
var correctedString = ""
var distanceSum = 0
var probabilityLogSum = 0.0

var wordCount: Int { words.count }
var entryCount: Int { deletes.count }

public var wordCount: Int { words.count }
public var entryCount: Int { deletes.count }

/// Maximum edit distance for dictionary precalculation.
private(set) var maxDictionaryEditDistance = 2
/// Length of prefix, from which deletes are generated.
private(set) var prefixLength = 7
/// Count threshold for a word to be considered a valid word for spelling correction.
private(set) var countThreshold = 1

private var deletes = [Int: [String]]()
private var deletes = [String: [String]]()
private var words = [String: Int]()
private var belowThresholdWords = [String: Int]()

Expand All @@ -39,7 +45,12 @@ public final class SymSpell {
private var maxDictionaryWordLength: Int = 0
private var totalCorpusWords = 0

public init(maxDictionaryEditDistance: Int = 2, prefixLength: Int = 7, countThreshold: Int = 1) {
/// Create a new instanc of SymSpell.
/// - Parameters:
/// - maxDictionaryEditDistance: Maximum edit distance for doing lookups.
/// - prefixLength: The length of word prefixes used for spell checking.
/// - countThreshold: The minimum frequency count for dictionary words to be considered correct spellings.
init(maxDictionaryEditDistance: Int = 2, prefixLength: Int = 7, countThreshold: Int = 1) {
precondition(maxDictionaryEditDistance >= 0, "maxDictionaryEditDistance must be non-negative")
precondition(prefixLength > 1 && prefixLength > maxDictionaryEditDistance, "Invalid prefixLength")
precondition(countThreshold >= 0, "countThreshold must be non-negative")
Expand All @@ -49,35 +60,62 @@ public final class SymSpell {
self.countThreshold = countThreshold

public func loadBigramDictionary(from url: URL, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 2) throws {
/// Load multiple dictionary entries from a file of word/frequency count pairs.
/// Merges with any dictionary data already loaded.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The url of the file.
/// - termIndex:The column position of the word.
/// - countIndex: The column position of the frequency count.
func loadBigramDictionary(from url: URL, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 2) throws {
let content = try String(contentsOf: url, encoding: .utf8)
loadBigramDictionary(from: content, termIndex: termIndex, countIndex: countIndex)

public func loadBigramDictionary(from string: String, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 2) {
/// Load multiple dictionary entries from a string of word/frequency count pairs.
/// Merges with any dictionary data already loaded.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The string of the word/frequency count pairs.
/// - termIndex:The column position of the word.
/// - countIndex: The column position of the frequency count.
func loadBigramDictionary(from string: String, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 2) {
let expectedComponentsCount = max(termIndex + 1, countIndex) + 1
string.enumerateLines { line, _ in
let components = line.split(separator: self.separator)
if components.count >= max(termIndex + 2, countIndex + 1), let count = Int(components[countIndex]) {
let components = line.split(separator: self.separator, maxSplits: expectedComponentsCount - 1)

if components.count >= expectedComponentsCount, let count = Int(components[countIndex]) {
let key = components[termIndex] + " " + components[termIndex + 1]
self.bigrams[String(key)] = count
self.bigramCountMin = min(self.bigramCountMin, count)

public func loadDictionary(from url: URL, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 1, termCount: Int? = nil) throws {
/// Load multiple dictionary entries from a file of word/frequency count pairs.
/// Merges with any dictionary data already loaded.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The url of the file.
/// - termIndex:The column position of the word.
/// - countIndex: The column position of the frequency count.
func loadDictionary(from url: URL, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 1, termCount: Int? = nil) throws {
let content = try String(contentsOf: url, encoding: .utf8)
loadDictionary(from: content, termIndex: termIndex, countIndex: countIndex, termCount: termCount)

public func loadDictionary(from string: String, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 1, termCount: Int? = nil) {
/// Load multiple dictionary entries from a string of word/frequency count pairs.
/// Merges with any dictionary data already loaded.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The string of the word/frequency count pairs.
/// - termIndex:The column position of the word.
/// - countIndex: The column position of the frequency count.
func loadDictionary(from string: String, termIndex: Int = 0, countIndex: Int = 1, termCount: Int? = nil) {
totalCorpusWords = 0
maxDictionaryWordLength = 0
let staging = SuggestionStage(initialCapacity: termCount)

let expectedComponentsCount = max(termIndex, countIndex) + 1

string.enumerateLines { line, _ in
let components = line.split(separator: self.separator)
if components.count >= max(termIndex, countIndex) + 1, let count = Int(components[countIndex]) {
let components = line.split(separator: self.separator, maxSplits: expectedComponentsCount - 1)
if components.count == expectedComponentsCount, let count = Int(components[countIndex]) {
let key = components[termIndex]

self.createDictionaryEntry(key: String(key), count: count, staging: staging)
Expand All @@ -87,12 +125,20 @@ public final class SymSpell {

public func createDictionary(from url: URL) throws {
/// Create a dictionary from a file containing plain text.
/// Merges with any dictionary data already loaded.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The url of the file.
func createDictionary(from url: URL) throws {
let content = try String(contentsOf: url, encoding: .utf8)
try createDictionary(from: content)

public func createDictionary(from string: String) throws {
/// Create a dictionary from a string containing plain text.
/// Merges with any dictionary data already loaded.
/// - Parameters:
/// - from: The string containing the words.
func createDictionary(from string: String) throws {
let staging = SuggestionStage()

string.enumerateLines { line, _ in
Expand All @@ -104,7 +150,14 @@ public final class SymSpell {

public func lookup(_ input: String, verbosity: Verbosity, maxEditDistance: Int? = nil, includeUnknown: Bool = false) -> [SuggestItem] {
/// Find suggested spellings for a given input word.
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: The word being spell checked.
/// - verbosity: The value controlling the quantity/closeness of the retuned suggestions.
/// - maxEditDistance: The maximum edit distance between input and suggested words.
/// - includeUnkown: Include input word in suggestions, if no words within edit distance found.
/// - Returns: Array of `SuggestItem` representing suggested correct spellings for the input word, sorted by edit distance, and secondarily by count frequency.
func lookup(_ input: String, verbosity: Verbosity, maxEditDistance: Int? = nil, includeUnknown: Bool = false) -> [SuggestItem] {
let maxEditDistance = min(maxEditDistance ?? maxDictionaryEditDistance, maxDictionaryEditDistance)
var suggestions = [SuggestItem]()
let inputLen = input.count
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +192,7 @@ public final class SymSpell {

if let dictSuggestions = deletes[candidate.hashValue] {
if let dictSuggestions = deletes[String(candidate)] {
for suggestion in dictSuggestions {
let suggestionLen = suggestion.count
if suggestion == input { continue }
Expand All @@ -151,7 +204,7 @@ public final class SymSpell {

var distance = 0
let minLength = min(inputLen, suggestionLen)

if candidateLen == 0 {
distance = max(inputLen, suggestionLen)
if distance > maxEditDistance2 || !consideredSuggestions.insert(suggestion).inserted { continue }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +269,12 @@ public final class SymSpell {
return suggestions

public func lookupCompound(_ input: String, maxEditDistance: Int? = nil) -> [SuggestItem] {
/// Find suggested spellings for a multi-word input string (supports word splitting/merging).
/// - Parameters:
/// - input: The string being spell checked.
/// - maxEditDistance: The maximum edit distance between input and suggested words.
/// - Returns: Array of `SuggestItem` representing suggested correct spellings for the input string.
func lookupCompound(_ input: String, maxEditDistance: Int? = nil) -> [SuggestItem] {
let maxEditDistance = min(maxEditDistance ?? maxDictionaryEditDistance, maxDictionaryEditDistance)
let termList = parseWords(input)
var suggestions = [SuggestItem]()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,14 +392,18 @@ public final class SymSpell {
return [suggestion]

// /// Find suggested spellings for a multi-word input string (supports word splitting/merging).
// /// - Parameters:
// /// - input: The string being spell checked.
// /// - maxEditDistance: The maximum edit distance between input and corrected words (0 = no correction).
// /// - maxSegmentationWordLength: The maximum word length that should be considered.
// /// - Returns: A tuple with the word segmented string, corrected string, edit distance sum, and the log of the word occurrence probabilities.
public func wordSegmentation(input: String, maxEditDistance: Int = 0) -> Segmentation {
/// Divides a string into words by inserting missing spaces at the appropriate positions.
/// Misspelled words are corrected and do not affect segmentation, existing spaces are allowed and considered for optimum segmentation.
/// - Parameters:
/// - input:
/// - maxEditDistance:
/// - Returns: A `Segmentation` struct, containing:
/// - the segmented string,
/// - the segmented and spelling corrected string,
/// - the Edit distance sum between input string and corrected string,
/// - the Sum of word occurence probabilities in log scale (a measure of how common and probable the corrected segmentation is).

func wordSegmentation(input: String, maxEditDistance: Int = 0) -> Segmentation {
// Normalize ligatures and replace hyphens
let input = input.precomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping.replacingOccurrences(of: "\u{002D}", with: "")

Expand All @@ -355,7 +417,7 @@ public final class SymSpell {

for i in 1 ... min(input.count - j, maxDictionaryWordLength) {
guard var partSubstr = input[j ..< j + i] else { continue }

var separatorLength = 0
var topEd = 0
var topProbabilityLog = 0.0
Expand All @@ -369,15 +431,13 @@ public final class SymSpell {
separatorLength = 1

var part = String(partSubstr)

// Calculate edit distance
topEd += part.count
part = part.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
topEd += partSubstr.count
let part = partSubstr.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
topEd -= part.count

let results = lookup(part.lowercased(), verbosity: .top, maxEditDistance: maxEditDistance)

if let result = results.first {
topResult = result.term
if part.first?.isUppercase == true {
Expand All @@ -386,7 +446,7 @@ public final class SymSpell {
topEd += result.distance
topProbabilityLog = log10(Double(result.count) / Double(totalCorpusWords))
} else {
topResult = String(part)
topResult = part
topEd += part.count
topProbabilityLog = log10(10.0 / (Double(totalCorpusWords) * pow(10.0, Double(part.count))))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,8 +481,15 @@ public final class SymSpell {

return compositions[circularIndex]

internal func createDictionaryEntry(key: String, count: Int, staging: SuggestionStage? = nil) {

/// Create/Update an entry in the dictionary. For every word there are deletes with an edit distance of 1..maxEditDistance created and added to the dictionary. Every delete entry has a suggestions list, which points to the original term(s) it was created from.
/// The dictionary may be dynamically updated (word frequency and new words) at any time by calling CreateDictionaryEntry
/// - Parameters:
/// - key: The word to add to dictionary.
/// - count: The frequency count for word.
/// - staging: Optional staging object to speed up adding many entries by staging them to a temporary structure
/// - Returns: True if the word was added as a new correctly spelled word, or false if the word is added as a below threshold word, or updates an existing correctly spelled word.
public func createDictionaryEntry(key: String, count: Int, staging: SuggestionStage? = nil) {
guard count >= 0 else { return }

var count = count
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -451,11 +518,11 @@ public final class SymSpell {
let edits = editsPrefix(key)
if let staging {
for delete in edits {
staging.add(delete.hashValue, suggestion: key)
staging.add(delete, suggestion: key)
} else {
for delete in edits {
deletes[delete.hashValue, default: []].append(key)
deletes[delete, default: []].append(key)
Expand All @@ -464,7 +531,6 @@ public final class SymSpell {
guard deleteLen != 0 else { return true }

let suggestionLen = min(prefixLength, suggestionLen)

return !delete.prefix(deleteLen).contains { !suggestion.prefix(suggestionLen).contains($0) }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,3 +566,4 @@ public final class SymSpell {

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