- Build:
catkin build follower
- Test:
roslaunch follower test_kf.launch
- launches Kalman filter node and dependencies
- Ensure they are on the same wifi network. Check by running
and checking forinet
. export ROS_MASTER_URI=
and substitute192.168.0.25
with the network (inet) address.- Launch mavros
roslaunch mavros px4.launch
- Launch the ROS driver app on your phone and enter the same network
rostopic list
and check that both mavros and your phone are connected.
- Build workspace in catkin_ws
- Source your devel/setup.bash (or setup.zsh)
rosrun follower follower_node
ssh -R 80:localhost:9090 serveo.net
forwards traffic from localhost:9090 to .serveo.net:80- Run rosbridge and mavros launch scripts
- Have a subscriber listen to given-name.serveo.net:80 and publish that data to a local rostopic
- Run cpp follower node as usual
- Requires catkin_simple to be cloned into workspace src
- Build normally, then run echoer, set_reference and conversion_node respectively
for Madgwick filter in performing GPS + IMU sensor fusionsensorfusion
created package, referenced from: https://github.com/maddevsio/mad-location-managerrosbridgecpp
for rosbridge over websockets implementation
- catkin_simple: https://github.com/catkin/catkin_simple