This repository contains the code used to demo GitHub pages during the intro session on Saturday, 17th April, 2021 in the DES & DEV Bootcamp.
The DES & DEV Bootcamp was organized by Genesys Cambus Club AE-FUNAI and Google Developer Student Clubs AE-FUNAI. It ranged for six weeks, from Saturday 17th April, to Saturday 29th May 2021, from 10pm each Saturday.
- Get your GitHub account.
- If you have an account, login at
- If you don't, create one at and verify your email address.
- Fork (copy) this repository. The fork button is at the top right corner of this page (Be sure you are viewing this README from GitHub and on a desktop site).
- Deploy your fork (your own copy of this repo) to GitHub pages
- Go to your forked repo settings for GitHub pages at
- Select the "None" dropdown, and select the "main" option. Ignore the "/ root" dropdown. Then click on "Save".
You have successfully hosted your website showcasing the DEV & DES Bootcamp on GitHub pages at