GECOS Agent is a piece of GECOS architecture. Installed onto a GECOS compatible distribution, makes it manageable from a remote GECOS Control Center.
Version 2 substitutes a complex network of packages, configuration files and recipes with a simple agent+notification app all in one package
ATTENTION: for GECOS v2 and v3, please use gecos-agent repository and package names. From v4 and on, use gecosws-agent.
- Chef Client Wrapper: this script launches a chef-client after making some smart checks. It is called on...
- ... Boot
- ... Login
- ... Logout
- ... Shutdown
- ... Periodic lapses
- GECOS First Login: desktop application that locks the user screen the first time he/she logs in the system, until workstation and user policies are downloaded and executed.
- Configuration Files: needed files for autolaunching Chef Client Wrapper when certain events occur (boot, login...)
- /etc/init/gecos-first-login.conf
- /etc/init/gecos-snitch-service.conf
- /etc/xdg/autostart/gecos-first-login.conf
- /etc/xdg/autostart/gecos-snitch-systray.conf
- /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.gecos.firstlogin.conf
- /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.gecos.chefsnitch.conf
- /etc/sudoers
- /etc/mdm/PostSession/default
- /home/USER/.gecos-firstlogin
- GECOS-snitch: small applet that sits on the desktop panel and notifies the user when policies are being installed.
GECOS-Agent has a python standard setup script
You can use this setup to generate a source distribution gz (using python sdist) in deb_dist and then use py2dsc --suite trusty dist/gecosws-agent-X.Y.tar.gz to generate Debian source package (change X.Y properly).
Or just launch a dpkg-buildpackage and use the .deb created in the parent directory.