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Installing the generation system

Alfonso E.M edited this page Aug 4, 2016 · 4 revisions

Installing the generation system

Follow these steps to deploy a machine that:

  • Creates packages for your distribution from source code in GitHub
  • Builds installation disks with a Linux system, like GECOS v2.


  • Find a server (real or virtual) with these minimal hardware requirements:

    • RAM: 1Gb
    • HD: 10Gb
    • CPU: 1 proc i686 compatible 64bits
  • Install a fresh minimal Debian 7 (wheezie) 64bits and configure networking properly (this server needs Internet access and your workstation will need web access to this server as well)

  • Install these packages from official repositories:

apt-get update
apt-get install buildbot live-build git pbuilder cowbuilder cdbs python-all-dev python-yaml
    wget (example)
    dpkg -i debootstrap_1.0.72ubuntu1_all.deb (example)
  • Download configuration from GitHub repository (19Mb): (download the zip file or clone the repository)
    cd gecosws-installation-disk-generator-master/config
  • Copy unzipped files to /etc/
    cp etc/apt/sources.list.d/* /etc/apt/sources.list.d
    cp etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/* /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d
    cp etc/freight* /etc/
    cp etc/sudoers /etc/
  • Install freight
    apt-get update
    apt-get install freight
  • Copy gcs files to /etc and /usr
    cp -r etc/gcs.conf /etc/
    cp -r usr/share/gcs /usr/share/
    cp usr/bin/* /usr/bin/
  • Copy keyring files to /usr/share
    cp usr/share/keyrings/* /usr/share/keyrings/
  • Copy git scripts to /usr/share
    cp usr/local/bin/* /usr/local/bin/
  • Create a new user "gensys"
    adduser gensys --home /var/gensys
  • Copy some unzipped files to /var/gensys/
    cp -r var/gensys/* /var/gensys/
  • Generate cowbuilder files
   sudo cowbuilder --create --distribution trusty --components "main universe" --basepath /var/gensys/cowbuilder/base-trusty.cow --mirror --debootstrapopts --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg
  • Login as "gensys" user

  • Generate gpg keys

  gpg --gen-key

store the password in /var/gensys/gpg_passphrase

  • Test!

Got errors? Probably you need to change ownership to "gensys" in every file under /var/gensys