This demo is made up of three files, an SQL-script and two Python scripts.
The SQL-script contains all relevant SQL-queries to create the corresponding datamodel.
The demo is based of multiple sources. These are the following:
- Spotify API: Necessary to make a client ID and client secret.
- SpotiPy: A Python library that provides functions to get easy access to the Spotify data.
- Nominatim: OpenStreetMap Geocoder for georeferencing track names.
- Spacy: API for linguistic referencing. This is used to recognise geographic entities in a string. Two trained pipelines are used for now, these are:
- en_core_web_sm (English):
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
- nl_core_news_sm (Dutch):
python -m spacy download nl_core_news_sm
- en_core_web_sm (English):
Some common Python libraries
- Psyocopg2: Python library for connecting with a PostgreSQL database.
- Requests: Python library for requesting HTTP requests
- Ogr and osr: GDAL Drivers for working with geospatial data, you can download the driver using this link.