A small tool written in node for counting source lines of code.
Can be used as either a command line application or as a module.
npm install -g node-sloc
npm install --save node-sloc
node-sloc [path] [options]
node-sloc [path] [options]
-h, --help Prints usage information (the one you're reading right now)
-l, --list-extensions Lists all default file extensions
-e, --include-extensions <list> Include non-default file extensions,
specified by a comma separated string of extensions
-i, --ignore-extensions <list> Include list of file extensions to ignore,
specified by a comma separated string of extensions
-x, --ignore-paths <list> Include a list of folders to exclude
-d, --ignore-default Ignore the default file extensions
-v, --verbose Output extra information during execution
node-sloc "../app"
node-sloc "../app" --include-extensions "aaa, bbb, ccc" --ignore-extensions "xml, yaml"
node-sloc "../app" --ignore-paths "node_modules"
node-sloc file.js
$ node-sloc . -x "node_modules"
Reading file(s)...
| SLOC | 2682 |
| Lines of comments | 206 |
| Blank lines | 134 |
| Files counted | 27 |
| Total LOC | 2888 |
const sloc = require('node-sloc')
const options = {...}
sloc(options).then((res) => {...})
The options object the function takes as a parameter has the following properties:
path Required. The path to walk or file to read.
extensions Additional file extensions to look for. Required if ignoreDefault is set to true.
ignorePaths Optional. A list of directories to ignore.
ignoreDefault Optional. Whether to ignore the default file extensions or not. Defaults to false.
logger Optional. Outputs extra information to if specified.
The object returned when executing the function has the following structure:
paths, // An array of all filepaths counted
sloc: { // Object containing the data
loc, // Lines of code (SLOC + comments)
sloc, // Source lines of code
blank, // Number of blank lines
comments, // Lines of comments
files, // Number of files counted
const sloc = require('node-sloc')
const options = {
path: '../app', // Required. The path to walk or file to read.
extensions: ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'], // Additional file extensions to look for. Required if ignoreDefault is set to true.
ignorePaths: ['node_modules'], // A list of directories to ignore.
ignoreDefault: false, // Whether to ignore the default file extensions or not
logger: console.log, // Optional. Outputs extra information to if specified.
// Using promises
sloc(options).then((res) => {
console.log(res.paths, res.sloc.sloc, res.sloc.comments)
// Using node-style callbacks
sloc(options, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
// do some error handling
console.log(res.paths, res.sloc.sloc, res.sloc.comments)
- ActionScript
- Assembly
- C#
- C/C++
- CoffeeScript
- Elixir
- Elm
- Erlang
- Go
- Groovy
- Handlebars
- Haskell
- Jade
- Java
- JavaScript
- Lua
- Mustache
- Objective C/C++
- Perl
- Python
- Ruby
- Rust
- Sass
- Scala
- Shell script
- Squirrel
- Stylus
- Swift
- TypeScript
- Visual Basic