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Releases: gemini-testing/testplane


06 Mar 13:26
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • auto firefox@135+ versions download (#1063)


18 Feb 11:10
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: correctly define screenshotsDir option for browsers (#1060)


10 Feb 23:11
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix: remove tokens in unhandled rejection log (#1055)


10 Feb 23:10
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🚀 Improvements

  • add 'config' command (#1053)


13 Jan 02:46
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🚀 Improvements

  • add 'list-browsers' command (#1051)
  • add ability to run local browsers without specified browserVersion (#1046)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • remove unknown capabilities when running local browser (#1044)


23 Dec 22:20
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This release contains minor enhancements to Typescript support in Testplane.

🐛 Fixes

Ability to extend executionContext.ctx typings

Now it's possible to extend executionContext.ctx type using module augmentation like this:

import type { TestplaneCtx } from "testplane";
import type { Api } from './api';

declare module "testplane" {
    interface ExecutionThreadCtx {
        api: Api;

Read more.

Now passive option is specified correctly in Testplane config typings. Note that this still has some limitations and doesn't work well with html-reporter, until further notice we recommend using testplane-passive-browsers plugin instead.


17 Dec 12:51
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🚀 Improvements

Added ability to run Testplane with local headless browsers on ubuntu (#1036)

With --local cli option (or gridUrl: "local") Testplane will automatically download requested version of chrome or firefox and launch its webdriver before running Testplane tests itself. On ubuntu, it will also download necessary deb packages from apt repositories.

More about Testplane with local browsers:

Supported ubuntu versions: 20, 22, 24

Note: if you are using remote ubuntu (e.g: virtual machine), you can only run browsers in headless mode.

Note: On ubuntu, you would probably need "--no-sandbox" arg for chrome browser:

// other chrome browser settings
desiredCapabilities: {
    browserName: "chrome",
    browserVersion: "130.0",
    "goog:chromeOptions": { args: ["--no-sandbox"] }


10 Dec 11:15
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix rare "This document requires 'TrustedHTML' assignment" bug when trying to disable animations on page before screenshot (#1040)


27 Nov 12:26
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🐛 Bug Fixes

  • speed up install dependencies on 16% and decrease node_modules weights on 31% (from 314 mb to 217mb) (#1030)
  • correctly specify types for "mochaOpts" and "patternsOnReject" (#1033)


27 Nov 10:40
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🚀 Improvements

Added ability to run Testplane with automatically downloaded browsers (#1029)

With --local cli option (or gridUrl: "local") Testplane will automatically download requested version of chrome or firefox and launch its webdriver before running Testplane tests itself.

Also it is possible to download browsers + webdrivers manually with testplane install-deps command, which will try to download all browsers, specified in testplane config.

testplane install-deps could also be launched with args, which are either browserId from testplane config, either browser with its tag version. Examples:

  • testplane install-deps chrome@123 will download browser: chrome, version: 123.
  • testplane install-deps chrome-dark will download browser with id chrome-dark from testplane config
  • testplane install-deps chrome@123 chrome-dark will download both browsers.