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Lernorte für MorGEN Wordpress plugin

This is a WordPress plugin for the Lernorte für MorGEN website.

Pretty specific stuff, but if you want to get some inspiration or get in contact or feedback, feel free!

Other parts are covered by the Child-Theme.


There is not much sense in installing this for a page different then "lernorte für morgen" - if you are inclined to do that its a very good idea to get in contact with us first.


The plugin assumes certain pod (CPT) classes to be installed and configured which is not (yet?) done from within this plugin! Eventually, the pods/CPTs could be create by this plugin, but I am not yet sure how and whether this is always a good idea. Happy about comments.

Specifically, following pods are expected to exist

pod name props needed templates
Veranstaltung ... ...
Referentn ... Referent*n: Single
Lernort ... ...

Implemented Features


  • Make nested shortcodes work (although this might be removed once features implemented within this plugin TODO) - done in lernorte-fuer-morgen.php .


  • Modify style of require featured image plugin, so that the warning shows up bigger.


  • Modify Dashboard:
    • remove default widgets
    • add custom welcome box
    • add custom help box
    • add custom widgets for events and referees

"POD"ish (pods/)

  • Modify certain admin forms for own content types via css ::before
  • Force default setting of lernort when creating a veranstaltung (function autoselect_lernort()).

Admin/UI (admin/)

  • Hide irrelevant options from profile editing page for users.
  • Remove Wordpress "Help" links

Editing (editor_ui/editor_ui.php)


  • Add query vars for year and month in order to use them in rewrite and calendar display (to a hardcoded page).
  • Rewrite "veranstaltungen/2022/10" to include the query vars.
  • Automatically populate the menu with links to years and months ([nav/auto_menu.php](nav/auto_menu.php)).
    • -> GOTCHA: You have to visit the Permalink settings page in WP Admin in order to flush the rewrite cache!
  • shortcode

Shortcodes (shortcodes/shortcodes.php)

  • [lfm_veranstaltungen_count] returns number of veranstaltung entities
  • [lfm_referentn_count] returns number of referentn entities
  • [lfm_lernorte_count] returns number of lernorte entities
  • [lfm_month_links] shows links per (upcoming) month
  • [lfm_highlight_veranstaltung] shows the Veranstaltung classified as highlight

Thumbnail size

  • defined thumbnail size tile for use within the Lernorte tiles that crops centered.
  • defined thumbnail size miniportrait for the Referent*n Collage


  • Use of German terms, because form UI for creating POD items is not easily translateable.



  • modify lernorte-fuer-morgen.php; bump the version number
  • add change and commit with version number as commit message
    • make sure it is the same (and use '0.1.2' instead of 'v0.1.2')
  • tag with version number as commit message (git tag -a '0.1.2' -m '0.1.2')
  • git push && git push --tags


Because I always forget how to

In wp-config.php

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
  • Then use error_log to write to the default debug file (wp-content/debug.log).
  • Use json_encode() to get a JSON representation of a complicated object.
  • Or use print_r to print datastructures
  • Also var_dump comes helpful for variables / datastructures sometimes

Lessons learned / take home messages

Looking for the Hierarchy?

wphierarchy comes in handy sometimes.

Dynamic menus

In Wordpress you have a number of ways to dynamically (via php) modify menus:

  • with add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', cb, 10, 2) you can inject HTML.
  • with add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_objects', cb, 10, 2 ) you can inject objects in the menu tree.
  • with wp_update_nav_menu_item you can manipulate the menu structure.
  • ...

Shortcodes and output buffering

Shortcodes should return the output and not echo it directly. If this is ignored, the output might end up at the wrong place in the rendered result.

To make the code behave, start a output buffer ob_start(); and return ob_get_clean() at the end of the function.


Thumbnails need to be regenerated when a new thumbnail size is added or an existing is modified. Use wp-cli (example missing) or this plugin


is great. search at:


Except for parts mentioned below released under the AGPL-3.0+ (see file LICENSE) Copyright 2019,2020 Felix Wolfsteller

Parts with other licenses
