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A Windows PowerShell module for basic and advanced file management tasks


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A Windows PowerShell module for basic and advanced file management tasks

GenXdev.FileSystem License


* âś… Simple but agile utility for renaming text throughout a project directory,
      including file- and directory- names: Rename-InProject -> rip

* âś… Pretty good wrapper for robocopy, Microsoft's robuust file copy utility: Start-RoboCopy -> rc, xc
    * âś… Folder synchronization
    * âś… Support for extra long pathnames > 256 characters
    * âś… Restartable mode backups
    * âś… Support for copying and fixing security settings
    * âś… Advanced file attribute features
    * âś… Advanced symbolic link and junction support
    * âś… Monitor mode (restart copying after change threshold)
    * âś… Optimization features for LargeFiles, multithreaded copying and network compression
    * âś… Recovery mode (copy from failing disks)
* âś… Find files with Find-Item -> l
    * âś… Returns relative paths by default
    * âś… Or passes Get-ChildItem objects to the pipeline
    * âś… Search all drives with -AllDrives
    * âś… Accepts wildcards
    * âś… Match files with regex patterns for searching within file content with -Pattern

* âś… Delete complete directory contents with Remove-AllItems -> sdel
    * âś… Optionally delete the root folder as well

* âś… Move files and directories with Move-ItemWithTracking
    * âś… Preserves file system links and references for tools like Git


Start-RoboCopy [-Source] <String> [[-DestinationDirectory] <String>] [[-Files] <String[]>]
    [-Mirror] [-Move]
    [-IncludeSecurity] [-SkipDirectories]
    [-FileExcludeFilter <String[]>]
    [-SkipAllSymbolicLinks] [-SkipSymbolicFileLinks] [-CopySymbolicLinksAsLinks]
    [-SkipFilesWithoutArchiveAttribute] [-ResetArchiveAttributeAfterSelection]
    [-AttributeIncludeFilter <String>] [-AttributeExcludeFilter <String>]
    [-SetAttributesAfterCopy <String>] [-RemoveAttributesAfterCopy <String>]
    [-MinFileSize <Int32>] [-MaxFileSize <Int32>]
    [-MinFileAge <Int32>] [-MaxFileAge <Int32>]
    [-MinLastAccessAge <Int32>] [-MaxLastAccessAge <Int32>] [-RecoveryMode] [-MonitorMode]
    [-MonitorModeThresholdMinutes <Int32>] [-MonitorModeThresholdNrOfChanges <Int32>]
    [-MonitorModeRunHoursFrom <Int32>] [-MonitorModeRunHoursUntil <Int32>] [-LogFilePath <String>]
    [-LogfileOverwrite] [-LogDirectoryNames] [-LogAllFileNames] [-Unicode] [-LargeFiles]
    [-MultiThreaded] [-CompressibleContent] [[-Override] <String>]
    [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Rename-InProject [[-Source] <String>]
                 [-FindText] <String>
                 [-ReplacementText] <String>
                 [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]


Install-Module "GenXdev.FileSystem"
Import-Module "GenXdev.FileSystem"



Cmdlet Index


Command                  aliases          Description
AssurePester This function verifies if the Pester module is installed in the currentPowerShell environment. If not found, it automatically installs it from thePowerShell Gallery and imports it into the current session. This ensures thatPester testing capabilities are available when needed.
Expand-Path ep Expands any given file reference to a full pathname, with respect to the user'scurrent directory. Can optionally assure that directories or files exist.
Find-DuplicateFiles fdf Recursively searches specified directories for duplicate files. Files areconsidered duplicates if they share the same name and optionally match on sizeand modification date. Returns groups of duplicate files for further processing.
Find-Item l Performs recursive file and directory searches with support for:- File/directory name patterns- Content matching using regular expressions- Searching across all drives- Directory-only searches- Object pipeline output
Move-ItemWithTracking Uses the Windows MoveFileEx API to move files and directories with link trackingenabled. This ensures that filesystem references, symbolic links, and hardlinksare maintained. The function is particularly useful for tools like Git that needto track file renames.
Move-ToRecycleBin recycle Safely moves files or directories to the recycle bin using the Windows Shell API,even if they are currently in use. The function uses the Shell.Application COMobject to perform the operation, ensuring proper recycling behavior and undocapability.
Remove-AllItems sdel Safely removes all files and subdirectories within a specified directory usinga reverse-order deletion strategy to handle deep paths. Includes WhatIf support,verbose logging, and fallback deletion methods for locked files.
Remove-ItemWithFallback rif This function provides a robust way to delete files and directories by attemptingmultiple deletion methods in sequence:1. Direct deletion via System.IO methods for best performance2. PowerShell provider-aware Remove-Item cmdlet as fallback3. Mark for deletion on next system reboot if other methods failThis ensures maximum reliability when removing items across different providers.
Remove-OnReboot This function uses the Windows API to mark files for deletion on next boot.It handles locked files by first attempting to rename them to temporary namesand tracks all moves to maintain file system integrity. If renaming fails,the -MarkInPlace parameter can be used to mark files in their original location.
Rename-InProject rip Recursively searches through files and directories in a project to perform textreplacements. Handles both file/directory names and file contents. Skips commonbinary files and repository folders (.git, .svn) to avoid corruption. Uses UTF-8encoding without BOM for file operations.
Start-RoboCopy rc, xc A comprehensive wrapper for the RoboCopy command-line utility that providesrobust file and directory copying capabilities. This function exposes RoboCopy'sextensive feature set through PowerShell-friendly parameters while maintainingmost of its powerful functionality.Key Features:- Directory synchronization with mirror options- Support for extra long pathnames (>256 characters)- Restartable mode for resilient copying- Security settings preservation- Advanced file attribute handling- Symbolic link and junction point management- Monitor mode for continuous synchronization- Performance optimization for large files- Network compression support- Recovery mode for failing devices





   Find-Item                            --> l 


Searches for files or directories with optional content filtering. 


   Find-Item [[-SearchMask] <String>] [-AllDrives] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]  
   Find-Item [[-SearchMask] <String>] [[-Pattern] <String>] [-AllDrives] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]  
   Find-Item [[-SearchMask] <String>] [-AllDrives] [-Directory] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] 


Performs recursive file and directory searches with support for: 
- File/directory name patterns 
- Content matching using regular expressions 
- Searching across all drives 
- Directory-only searches 
- Object pipeline output 


-SearchMask <String> 
    The file/directory name pattern to search for. Supports wildcards. 
    Defaults to "*" if not specified. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                * 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Pattern <String> 
    Regular expression to match against file contents. 
    Only applies when searching files, not directories. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    2 
    Default value                .* 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-AllDrives [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Search across all available drives instead of just the current path. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Directory [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Search for directories only, ignoring files. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-PassThru [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Output matched items as objects instead of formatted strings. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


       Assuming c:\temp exists;  
       'Find-Item c:\temp\'  
           would search the whole content of directory 'temp' for any file or directory with the name 'temp'  
       'Find-Item c:\temp'  
           would search the whole C drive for any file or directory with the name 'temp'  
       'Find-Item temp -AllDrives'  
           would search the all drives for any file or directory with the name 'temp'  
       so would:  
           'Find-Item c:\temp -AllDrives'  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Search for all .txt files in current directory and subdirectories  
   Find-Item -SearchMask "*.txt"  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Find all files with that have the word "translation" in their name  
   Find-Item -SearchMask "*translation*"  
   # or in short  
   l *translation*  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Find all files with that have the word "translation" in their content  
   Find-Item -Pattern "translation"  
   # or in short  
   l -mc translation  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Find any javascript file that tests a version string in it's code  
   Find-Item -SearchMask *.js -Pattern "Version == `"\d\d?\.\d\d?\.\d\d?`""  
   # or in short  
   l *.js "Version == `"\d\d?\.\d\d?\.\d\d?`""  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Find all directories in the current directory and its subdirectories  
   Find-Item -Directory  
   # or in short  
   l -dir  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Find all files with the .log extension in all drives  
   Find-Item -SearchMask "*.log" -AllDrives  
   # or in short  
   l *.log -all  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Find all files with the .config extension and search for the pattern "connectionString" within the files  
   Find-Item -SearchMask "*.config" -Pattern "connectionString"  
   # or in short  
   l *.config connectionString  
   -------------------------- EXAMPLE 8 --------------------------  
   PS C:\> # Find all files with the .xml extension and pass the objects through the pipeline  
   Find-Item -SearchMask "*.xml" -PassThru  
   # or in short  
   l *.xml -PassThru 


   Expand-Path                          --> ep 


Expands any given file reference to a full pathname. 


   Expand-Path [-FilePath] <String> [-CreateDirectory] [-CreateFile] [-DeleteExistingFile] [<CommonParameters>] 


Expands any given file reference to a full pathname, with respect to the user's 
current directory. Can optionally assure that directories or files exist. 


-FilePath <String> 
    The file path to expand to a full path. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-CreateDirectory [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Will create directory if it does not exist. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-CreateFile [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Will create an empty file if it does not exist. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-DeleteExistingFile [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  




Ensures Pester testing framework is available for use. 


   AssurePester [<CommonParameters>] 


This function verifies if the Pester module is installed in the current 
PowerShell environment. If not found, it automatically installs it from the 
PowerShell Gallery and imports it into the current session. This ensures that 
Pester testing capabilities are available when needed. 


    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


   Start-RoboCopy                       --> rc, xc 


Provides a PowerShell wrapper for Microsoft's Robust Copy (RoboCopy) utility. 


   Start-RoboCopy [-Source] <String> [[-DestinationDirectory] <String>] [[-Files] <String[]>] [-Mirror] [-Move] [-IncludeSecurity]   
   [-SkipDirectories] [-CopyOnlyDirectoryTreeStructureAndEmptyFiles] [-SkipAllSymbolicLinks] [-SkipSymbolicFileLinks]   
   [-CopySymbolicLinksAsLinks] [-Force] [-SkipFilesWithoutArchiveAttribute] [-ResetArchiveAttributeAfterSelection]   
   [-FileExcludeFilter <String[]>] [-AttributeIncludeFilter <String>] [-AttributeExcludeFilter <String>] [-SetAttributesAfterCopy   
   <String>] [-RemoveAttributesAfterCopy <String>] [-MinFileSize <Int32>] [-MaxFileSize <Int32>] [-MinFileAge <Int32>] [-MaxFileAge   
   <Int32>] [-MinLastAccessAge <Int32>] [-MaxLastAccessAge <Int32>] [-RecoveryMode] [-MonitorMode] [-MonitorModeThresholdMinutes   
   <Int32>] [-MonitorModeThresholdNrOfChanges <Int32>] [-MonitorModeRunHoursFrom <Int32>] [-MonitorModeRunHoursUntil <Int32>]   
   [-LogFilePath <String>] [-LogfileOverwrite] [-LogDirectoryNames] [-LogAllFileNames] [-Unicode] [-LargeFiles] [-MultiThreaded]   
   [-CompressibleContent] [[-Override] <String>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]  
   Start-RoboCopy [-Source] <String> [[-DestinationDirectory] <String>] [[-Files] <String[]>] [-Mirror] [-Move] [-IncludeSecurity]   
   [-SkipEmptyDirectories] [-CopyOnlyDirectoryTreeStructure] [-CopyOnlyDirectoryTreeStructureAndEmptyFiles] [-SkipAllSymbolicLinks]   
   [-SkipSymbolicFileLinks] [-CopySymbolicLinksAsLinks] [-SkipJunctions] [-CopyJunctionsAsJunctons] [-Force]   
   [-SkipFilesWithoutArchiveAttribute] [-ResetArchiveAttributeAfterSelection] [-FileExcludeFilter <String[]>]   
   [-DirectoryExcludeFilter <String[]>] [-AttributeIncludeFilter <String>] [-AttributeExcludeFilter <String>]   
   [-SetAttributesAfterCopy <String>] [-RemoveAttributesAfterCopy <String>] [-MaxSubDirTreeLevelDepth <Int32>] [-MinFileSize <Int32>]   
   [-MaxFileSize <Int32>] [-MinFileAge <Int32>] [-MaxFileAge <Int32>] [-MinLastAccessAge <Int32>] [-MaxLastAccessAge <Int32>]   
   [-RecoveryMode] [-MonitorMode] [-MonitorModeThresholdMinutes <Int32>] [-MonitorModeThresholdNrOfChanges <Int32>]   
   [-MonitorModeRunHoursFrom <Int32>] [-MonitorModeRunHoursUntil <Int32>] [-LogFilePath <String>] [-LogfileOverwrite]   
   [-LogDirectoryNames] [-LogAllFileNames] [-Unicode] [-LargeFiles] [-MultiThreaded] [-CompressibleContent] [[-Override] <String>]   
   [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] 


A comprehensive wrapper for the RoboCopy command-line utility that provides 
robust file and directory copying capabilities. This function exposes RoboCopy's 
extensive feature set through PowerShell-friendly parameters while maintaining 
most of its powerful functionality. 
Key Features: 
- Directory synchronization with mirror options 
- Support for extra long pathnames (>256 characters) 
- Restartable mode for resilient copying 
- Security settings preservation 
- Advanced file attribute handling 
- Symbolic link and junction point management 
- Monitor mode for continuous synchronization 
- Performance optimization for large files 
- Network compression support 
- Recovery mode for failing devices 


-Source <String> 
    The source directory, file path, or directory with search mask to copy from. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-DestinationDirectory <String> 
    The destination directory to place the copied files and directories into. 
    If this directory does not exist yet, all missing directories will be created. 
    Default value = `.\` 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    2 
    Default value                ".$([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)" 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Files <String[]> 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    3 
    Default value                @() 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Mirror [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Synchronizes the content of specified directories, will also delete any files and directories in the destination that do not  
    exist in the source 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Move [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Will move instead of copy all files from source to destination 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-IncludeSecurity [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Will also copy ownership, security descriptors and auditing information of files and directories 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-SkipDirectories [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Copies only files from source and skips sub-directories (no recurse) 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-SkipEmptyDirectories [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Does not copy directories if they would be empty 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-CopyOnlyDirectoryTreeStructure [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Create directory tree only 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-CopyOnlyDirectoryTreeStructureAndEmptyFiles [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Create directory tree and zero-length files only 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-SkipAllSymbolicLinks [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Do not copy symbolic links, junctions or the content they point to 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-SkipSymbolicFileLinks [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Do not copy file symbolic links but do follow directory junctions 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-CopySymbolicLinksAsLinks [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Instead of copying the content where symbolic links point to, copy the links themselves 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-SkipJunctions [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Do not copy directory junctions (symbolic link for a folder) or the content they point to 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-CopyJunctionsAsJunctons [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Instead of copying the content where junctions point to, copy the junctions themselves 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Force [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Will copy all files even if they are older then the ones in the destination 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-SkipFilesWithoutArchiveAttribute [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Copies only files that have the archive attribute set 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-ResetArchiveAttributeAfterSelection [<SwitchParameter>] 
    In addition of copying only files that have the archive attribute set, will then reset this attribute on the source 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-FileExcludeFilter <String[]> 
    Exclude any files that matches any of these names/paths/wildcards 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                @() 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-DirectoryExcludeFilter <String[]> 
    Exclude any directories that matches any of these names/paths/wildcards 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                @() 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-AttributeIncludeFilter <String> 
    Copy only files that have all these attributes set [RASHCNETO] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-AttributeExcludeFilter <String> 
    Exclude files that have any of these attributes set [RASHCNETO] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-SetAttributesAfterCopy <String> 
    Will set the given attributes to copied files [RASHCNETO] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-RemoveAttributesAfterCopy <String> 
    Will remove the given attributes from copied files [RASHCNETO] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MaxSubDirTreeLevelDepth <Int32> 
    Only copy the top n levels of the source directory tree 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MinFileSize <Int32> 
    Skip files that are not at least n bytes in size 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MaxFileSize <Int32> 
    Skip files that are larger then n bytes 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MinFileAge <Int32> 
    Skip files that are not at least: n days old OR created before n date (if n < 1900 then n = n days, else n = YYYYMMDD date) 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MaxFileAge <Int32> 
    Skip files that are older then: n days OR created after n date (if n < 1900 then n = n days, else n = YYYYMMDD date) 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MinLastAccessAge <Int32> 
    Skip files that are accessed within the last: n days OR before n date (if n < 1900 then n = n days, else n = YYYYMMDD date) 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MaxLastAccessAge <Int32> 
    Skip files that have not been accessed in: n days OR after n date (if n < 1900 then n = n days, else n = YYYYMMDD date) 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-RecoveryMode [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Will shortly pause and retry when I/O errors occur during copying 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MonitorMode [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Will stay active after copying, and copy additional changes after a a default threshold of 10 minutes 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MonitorModeThresholdMinutes <Int32> 
    Run again in n minutes Time, if changed 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MonitorModeThresholdNrOfChanges <Int32> 
    Run again when more then n changes seen 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MonitorModeRunHoursFrom <Int32> 
    Run hours - times when new copies may be started, start-time, range 0000:2359 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MonitorModeRunHoursUntil <Int32> 
    Run hours - times when new copies may be started, end-time, range 0000:2359 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                -1 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-LogFilePath <String> 
    If specified, logging will also be done to specified file 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-LogfileOverwrite [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Do not append to the specified logfile, but overwrite instead 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-LogDirectoryNames [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Include all scanned directory names in output 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-LogAllFileNames [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Include all scanned file names in output, even skipped onces 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Unicode [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Output status as UNICODE 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-LargeFiles [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Enables optimization for copying large files 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MultiThreaded [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Optimize performance by doing multithreaded copying 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-CompressibleContent [<SwitchParameter>] 
    If applicable use compression when copying files between servers to safe bandwidth and time 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Override <String> 
    Overrides, Removes, or Adds any specified robocopy parameter. 
    Add or replace parameter: 
        -Override /SwitchWithValue:'SomeValue' 
        -Override /Switch 
    Remove parameter: 
        -Override -/Switch 
    Multiple overrides: 
        -Override "/ReplaceThisSwitchWithValue:'SomeValue' -/RemoveThisSwitch /AddThisSwitch" 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    4 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Displays a message that describes the effect of the command, instead of executing the command. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


   Remove-AllItems                      --> sdel 


Recursively removes all content from a directory with advanced error handling. 


   Remove-AllItems [-Path] <String> [[-DeleteFolder]] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 


Safely removes all files and subdirectories within a specified directory using 
a reverse-order deletion strategy to handle deep paths. Includes WhatIf support, 
verbose logging, and fallback deletion methods for locked files. 


-Path <String> 
    The directory path to clear. Can be relative or absolute path. Will be normalized 
    and expanded before processing. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-DeleteFolder [<SwitchParameter>] 
    When specified, also removes the root directory specified by Path after clearing 
    its contents. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    2 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  




Marks files or directories for deletion during the next system boot. 


   Remove-OnReboot [-Path] <String[]> [-MarkInPlace] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 


This function uses the Windows API to mark files for deletion on next boot. 
It handles locked files by first attempting to rename them to temporary names 
and tracks all moves to maintain file system integrity. If renaming fails, 
the -MarkInPlace parameter can be used to mark files in their original location. 


-Path <String[]> 
    One or more file or directory paths to mark for deletion. Accepts pipeline input. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue) 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-MarkInPlace [<SwitchParameter>] 
    If specified, marks files for deletion in their original location when renaming 
    fails. This is useful for locked files that cannot be renamed. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


   Rename-InProject                     --> rip 


Performs case-sensitive text replacement throughout a project directory. 


   Rename-InProject [[-Source] <String>] [-FindText] <String> [-ReplacementText] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 


Recursively searches through files and directories in a project to perform text 
replacements. Handles both file/directory names and file contents. Skips common 
binary files and repository folders (.git, .svn) to avoid corruption. Uses UTF-8 
encoding without BOM for file operations. 


-Source <String> 
    The directory, filepath, or directory+searchmask to process. Defaults to current 
    directory if not specified. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                .\ 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-FindText <String> 
    The case-sensitive text pattern to search for in filenames and content. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    2 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-ReplacementText <String> 
    The text to replace all instances of FindText with. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    3 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Shows what changes would occur without actually making them. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


   Move-ToRecycleBin                    --> recycle 


Moves files and directories to the Windows Recycle Bin safely. 


   Move-ToRecycleBin [-Path] <String[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 


Safely moves files or directories to the recycle bin using the Windows Shell API, 
even if they are currently in use. The function uses the Shell.Application COM 
object to perform the operation, ensuring proper recycling behavior and undo 


-Path <String[]> 
    One or more paths to files or directories that should be moved to the recycle 
    bin. Accepts pipeline input and wildcards. The paths must exist and be 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


   Find-DuplicateFiles                  --> fdf 


Find duplicate files across multiple directories based on configurable criteria. 


   Find-DuplicateFiles [-Paths] <String[]> [[-DontCompareSize]] [[-DontCompareModifiedDate]] [<CommonParameters>] 


Recursively searches specified directories for duplicate files. Files are 
considered duplicates if they share the same name and optionally match on size 
and modification date. Returns groups of duplicate files for further processing. 


-Paths <String[]> 
    Array of directory paths to recursively search for duplicate files. Accepts 
    pipeline input and wildcard paths. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-DontCompareSize [<SwitchParameter>] 
    When specified, file size is not used as a comparison criterion, only names 
    are matched. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    2 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-DontCompareModifiedDate [<SwitchParameter>] 
    When specified, file modification dates are not used as a comparison criterion. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    3 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  




Moves files and directories while preserving filesystem links and references. 


   Move-ItemWithTracking [-Path] <String> [-Destination] <String> [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 


Uses the Windows MoveFileEx API to move files and directories with link tracking 
enabled. This ensures that filesystem references, symbolic links, and hardlinks 
are maintained. The function is particularly useful for tools like Git that need 
to track file renames. 


-Path <String> 
    The source path of the file or directory to move. Accepts pipeline input and 
    aliases to FullName for compatibility with Get-ChildItem output. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Destination <String> 
    The target path where the file or directory should be moved to. Must be a valid 
    filesystem path. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    2 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Force [<SwitchParameter>] 
    If specified, allows overwriting an existing file or directory at the 
    destination path. 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                False 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


   Remove-ItemWithFallback              --> rif 


Removes files or directories with multiple fallback mechanisms for reliable deletion. 


   Remove-ItemWithFallback [-Path] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] 


This function provides a robust way to delete files and directories by attempting 
multiple deletion methods in sequence: 
1. Direct deletion via System.IO methods for best performance 
2. PowerShell provider-aware Remove-Item cmdlet as fallback 
3. Mark for deletion on next system reboot if other methods fail 
This ensures maximum reliability when removing items across different providers. 


-Path <String> 
    The file or directory path to remove. Can be a filesystem path or provider path. 
    Accepts pipeline input and wildcards. Must be a valid, non-empty path. 
    Required?                    true 
    Position?                    1 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>] 
    Required?                    false 
    Position?                    named 
    Default value                 
    Accept pipeline input?       false 
    Accept wildcard characters?  false 
    This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, 
    ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, 
    OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see 
    about_CommonParameters     (  


A Windows PowerShell module for basic and advanced file management tasks



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