All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are in UTC.
- Moved the deprecated "token" in the query string to the "Authorization" header
- TM Import segments bugfix
- Include api_rest directory in setup
- Added a new Analysis class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a function to upload bilingual files.
- Added a switch for the REST implementation.
- Some typehints gives an impression that it can accept a string when it should be a list of string.
- Added a new TranslationMemory class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Bilingual class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Job class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Project class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Domain class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Language class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new TermBase class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Auth class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Client class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added a new Base class for Memsource REST transition.
- Added page parameter for fetching job list in listByProject.
- Fix bug in getting token in Memsource Auth class.
- Refactored headers parameter on initiating the Memsource class.
- Removed inflection package.
- Added headers parameter on initiating the Memsource class. This will be used for authentication.
- Upgraded python version from python3.4 to python3.5.
- Extra project_id parameter to term base download method.
- Fix file format parameter constant in term base download method.
- Support get term base list of a project.
- Support download term base.
- Support delete all job translations.
- Support get analysis by project.
- Support download anaylsis.
- Support set status of project.
- Support set status of job.
- Support parameter filters on project list.
- Support search endpoint of translation memory api.