Memsource API Wrap Library for Python
This library require Python 3.5. If Python 3.5 is not installed on your system, I recommened to use Pythonz
This library still uses the Memsource Legacy API which will be deprecated in September 2020.
We are currently adding support for the new Memsource REST API.
pip install -e 'git+'
pip uninstall memsource-wrap
import memsource.memsource m = memsource.memsource.Memsource(user_name='your user name', password='your password') print(m.client.create('test client')) # will return id of the client
If you already have token, you can omit user_name and password. In this case, this SDK can skip authentication, so it's bit faster.
import memsource.memsource m = memsource.memsource.Memsource(token='your token') print(m.client.create('test client')) # will return id of the client