415 commits
to master
since this release
- Updated Energy Monitor Widget: added daily counter and total counter reset button.
- Added file "certaccept.xml" to bypass SSL certificate errors (RemoteCertificateChainErrors)
- Improved group modules popup with multiple selection (#307)
- Fix #274 controlling virtual modules via script or scheduler fails if VM domain was same as a MIG interface domain
- Updated ZWaveLib 1.0.15
- Updated custom Raspberry.IO libs to fix 'unknown processor' error on lastest RPi firmwares
- Fix SerialPortHelper issue #314
- Fix location picker bug
- Fixed Camera widget 'hanging' bug when displaying multiple cameras on a page, also increased refresh speed
- Fixed side menu refresh bug
- Fonts are now embedded in css (no more delay downloading from google fonts)
- Fixed SSL error when sending e-mails
- Other minor fixes/improvements