Congratulations you have just created a new Mule Cloud connector!
Now you need to make sure that you update you pom.xml to use version ${muleVersion} of Mule. This will ensure you are compiling against the correct version of Mule and you will avoid issues arising from not being about to find configuration schemas for this module.
This wizard created a number of new classes and resources useful for Mule cloud connectors. Each of the created files contains documentation and TODO items where necessary. Here is an overview of what was created.
./pom.xml: A maven project descriptor that describes how to build this module. It also contains additional information about how to share the connector on MuleForge.
./assembly.xml: A maven assembly descriptor that defines how this module will be packaged when you make a release.
./LICENSE.txt: The open source license text for this project.
To build the Skype-Connector you first need to purchase a skypekit license. You can obtain one at the following address:
Within the sdk you will find all the documentation you might need. Here we will only resume the steps necessary to build the connector:
1)Install the java skype API in your maven repository
cd ${skype-kit-sdk-path}/interfaces/skype/java/api ant mvn install:install-file -Dfile=sid-java-wrapper.jar -DartifactId=sid-java-wrapper -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar
2)Install the java skype client in your maven repository
cd ${skype-kit-sdk-path}/interfaces/skype/java/client ant mvn install:install-file -Dfile=skypekitclient.jar -DartifactId=skypekitclient -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar
3)Download the skypekit runtime for your platform and copy it within the src/main/resources/ folder.
4)Request your skype private/public key and copy it within the src/main/resources/ folder.
This project also contains test classes that can be run as part of a test suite.
Everything you need to know about getting started with Mule can be found here:
There further useful information about extending Mule here:
For information about working with Mule inside and IDE with maven can be found here:
Remember if you get stuck you can try getting help on the Mule user list:
Also, MuleSoft, the company behind Mule, offers 24x7 support options:
Enjoy your Mule ride!
The Mule Team