ShotsUP is an open-source prototype for Dribbble, wrote on Swift and builded on Clean architecture.
To get started and run the app, you need to follow these simple steps:
Open the ShotsUp workspace in Xcode. Sign up for a Dribbble account. Register a new Dribbble application (a new Client Access Token will be generated for the application).
Setup Client Access Token. For this exist three way:
- In project folder run pod install and set token
- In project folder execute next command pod keys set DribbbleClientID YOUR_VALUE pod keys set DribbbleClientSecret YOUR_VALUE pod keys set DribbbleClientAccessToken YOUR_VALUE
- Set tokens DribbbleClientID, DribbbleClientSecret, DribbbleClientAccessToken in DribbbleAPIConfig struct. Run ShotsUp on your iOS device or Simulator.
- This project is written in Swift 3.0+ and requires Xcode 9+ to build and run.
- ShotsUp runs on iOS 11+.
Under the hood is a little CocoaPods.
- Moya
- IGListKit
- RealmSwift
- Moya-ObjectMapper
- Kingfisher
- Reusable
- HGPlaceholders
- SwiftMessages
- ActiveLabel
Created by Maxim Liashenko - genommax (Maxim Liashenko) · GitHub Other links:
The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.