Simple template for creating projects of the STM32F0 (e.g. the discovery board)
Contains a template for projects using the stm32f0 discovery board, gnu toolchain (see and the STM32F0xx Standard Peripheral Library.
To test:
(1) install the toolchain and libarary.
(2) change the TOOLROOT and LIBROOT paths in Makefile.common
you may need to change
if you are using the (older) version of the peripheral library distributed with the original F0 discovery board.
ST has changed the file layout slightly)
(3) cd to Demo
(4) type make
To create new projects
(1) clone the Demo directory (name the directory appropriately)
(2) change TEMPLATEROOT in the cloned makefile to point to the template directory
(3) modify as needed, adding any needed library objects to the OBJ list in the Makefile
To execute:
I recommend the st-util program as a gdb server
The standard peripheral library can be difficult to crack. Here are two hints to get you started.
(1) Use doxygen to generate documentation
-- cd to the directory containing the standard peripheral library
-- generate a config file (you can edit this, but don't need to)
doxygen -g config_file
-- generate the documentation. This will genererate html
and latex directories (you can modify the config file to
turn off either of these).
doxygen config_file
-- Open html/index.html to see the documentation
(2) I wrote a lab manual for a similar processor (the stm32f100),
but beware, there are many small differences in the standard
peripheral library. Nevertheless, the big picture is the same.