Release 1.0.0
What's Changed
- Declaratively disable spring-boot autoconfigurations by @groldan in #37
- Pluggable architecture to define geoserver backend implementations by @groldan in #43
- Initial github workflows CI build by @groldan in #44
- Add github workflow to build against GeoServer latest stable release by @groldan in #46
- Fix FilteringXmlBeanDefinitionReader and cleaner semantics by @groldan in #47
- webui-service modularization through profiles and config properties by @groldan in #48
- Use a postgis docker image and set up an empty postigs db by @groldan in #50
- Add the importer extension to the web UI by @groldan in #51
- Broadcast catalog and config events, local and remote by @groldan in #52
- Manage data access dependencies by @groldan in #53
- Fix web-ui's redirect to internal service address by @groldan in #55
- Upgrade to spring-cloud Hoxton.SR8/spring-boot 2.3.3.RELEASE by @groldan in #56
- Enable build against gs latest stable version with a maven profile by @groldan in #58
- Abstract Catalog conformance test suite by @groldan in #59
- Catalog service by @groldan in #57
- Encode remote events payload as JSON by @groldan in #67
- Spring-cache based catalog and config caching by @groldan in #68
- Change docker organization to
and simplify docker image names by @groldan in #70 - Shared data directory remote events processing and improved configuration by @groldan in #71
- Push docker images with -Ddockerfile.push.skip=false by @groldan in #73
- Add WFS flatgeobuff output format by @groldan in #72
- Manage webmvc transitive dependency from geoserver by @groldan in #74
- Add docker composition override to use jdbcconfig in all services by @groldan in #76
- Fix jdbcconfig set up, after changes upstream by @groldan in #77
- Rename docker images based on feedback by @groldan in #82
- Fix some typos by @marcjansen in #83
- Re-enable jdbcconfig internal cache by @groldan in #84
- Create layered spring-boot fat jars and use layers in Dockerfiles by @groldan in #85
- Make sure webui has gt-wfs-ng in its classpath by @groldan in #86
- Use maven CI friendly versions by @groldan in #87
- [geoserver-jackson-bindings] Add mapping for new InternationalString properties by @groldan in #92
- Fix rabbitmq in #93
- geosever-jackson-bindings: Add international* properties to Contact by @groldan in #94
- Upstream version upgrade: gs.version 2.20-SNAPSHOT -> 2.21-SNAPSHOT by @groldan in #96
- Build against a specific geoserver branch and version it as 2.21-CLOUD by @groldan in #97
- Startup with an empty database by @groldan in #98
- webui maven dependencies missing by @groldan in #99
- Notify services of security configuration changes by @groldan in #101
- Initialize non-existing GeoServerInfo/LoggingInfo for datadir backend by @groldan in #102
- gs-jackson-bindings: Support new LayerGroupInfo.layerGroupStyles property by @groldan in #109
- Support specifying layer name in OWS requests alongside workspace by @jahow in #115
- Switch to adoptopenjdk:11-jre-openj9 as base docker image by @groldan in #116
- Replace the config folder by a submodule on geoserver-cloud-config by @groldan in #117
- Properly handle proxified requests in backend services delegating to Spring-boot ForwardedHeaderFilter by @groldan in #119
- Remove custom postgres image, any standard one should work with jdbcconfig's initdb=true now by @groldan in #120
- feature: add gs-cloud-admin-service based on de.codecentric:spring-boot-admin-starter-server by @groldan in #121
- Initial documentation for GeoServer Cloud and poman #110 by @allanin in #111
- Remove custom user:group from Dockerfile by @groldan in #125
- Upgrade to spring-cloud:2021.0.0 / spring-boot:2.6.1 by @groldan in #127
- specify user:group in docker-compose.yml for each service by @groldan in #145
- Change GeoServer microservices management port to 8081 and add liveness and readiness probes by @groldan in #146
- GeoServerSecurityManager startup configuration improvements by @groldan in #147
- jdbc resource store cache causes startup failures due to stale resource metadata by @groldan in #148
- Fix config-service configuration to run smoothly with provided deployment files by @groldan in #149
- Create the directory where the default datadir volume is mounted and make it writable by @groldan in #151
- Trivy vulnerability analysis and fixes to docker images at the library level by @groldan in #152
- web-ui: add geostyler extension by @groldan in #153
- RemoteApplicationEvent event serialization fails on remote style infos by @groldan in #155
- Cascaded OWS Stores with HTTP proxy externalized configuration by @groldan in #154
- gs-jackson-bindings: add new property AttributeType.source:String by @groldan in #158
- Add vector tiles output format by @groldan in #159
- Web UI: hide unused global configuration UI controls by @groldan in #160
- Remove junit-vintage-engine where it's easy, full junit5 upgrade pending by @groldan in #161
- Initial gwc integration: standalone app and web-ui by @groldan in #162
- Make sure all known XStreamServiceLoaders are provided to GeoServerLoader by @groldan in #163
- gt-geojson is no longer a gt-wms dependency, it's been retire by @groldan in #165
- Fix WMTS stores and layers with jdbcconfig catalog backend by @groldan in #166
- ci: use actions/setup-java@v2 with maven cache directive by @groldan in #167
- gs-jackson-bindings: workaround erroneous Locale serialization, model i18n strings as Map<String, String> by @groldan in #168
- web-ui calls Catalog.add() with a ModificationProxy, not allowed by CatalogPlugin. by @groldan in #169
- Integrate GWC with spring-cloud-bus by @groldan in #164
- gwc: disable diskquota and force hide it from the web UI. by @groldan in #170
- Use a lazy gwc xml configuration provider by @groldan in #171
- Externalized configuration for GeoWebCache component enablement by @groldan in #172
- Validate source code formatting before proceeding with the CI builds by @groldan in #174
- strict configuration of gwc.cache-directory and gwc.config-directory by @groldan in #173
- Add simple service registry page to webui by @groldan in #175
- Build a native-image version of config-service Docker image by @groldan in #176
- Add support for GWC Azure and S3 blobstore types by @groldan in #178
- Add MBStyle extension (wms, gwc, and webui services) by @groldan in #179
- Integrate AuthKey security extension by @groldan in #180
- Add missing Kvp parser beans in wms-service from gs-wfs jar by @groldan in #182
- Add an X-gs-cloud-instance-id response header if geoserver.debug.instanceId=true by @groldan in #183
- Switch to config-first bootstrap default configuration, support discovery-first and standalone by @groldan in #177
- Fetch eureka service registry only on services that use it by @groldan in #184
- Remove custom docker-healthcheck java app by @groldan in #186
- Add a NativeHint to config-service to include gs_cloud_bootstrap_profiles.yml by @groldan in #185
- Dependency upgrade: spring-boot 2.6.2 -> 2.6.3 by @groldan in #187
- depency upgrade: spring-native 0.11.0 -> 0.11.2 by @groldan in #188
- Use different session cookie names in web-ui and gwc-service by @groldan in #189
- gwc: fix blobstore remote event handling, CompositeBlobStore didn't notice by @groldan in #190
- GWC static resources break if gateway is configured with a geoserver.base-path by @groldan in #191
- Switch to Java17 with default docker images supporting cgroups v2 by @groldan in #193
- Add a request mapping for the WMS reflector by @groldan in #195
- Make WMS reflector enablement configurable by @groldan in #196
- Build/fmt maven plugin coordinates changed by @groldan in #197
- Remove dependency on gs-web-gwc from blobstores by @groldan in #198
- Contribute known org.geoserver.config.ServiceFactoryExtension implementations by @groldan in #200
- GeoWebCache direct WMS integration by @groldan in #199
- Handle virtual services in gwc-service by @groldan in #201
- Move modules to src/ folder, leaving the root pom as a pure bom by @groldan in #203
- Set up a geoserver submodule to build the geoserver-cloud_integration branch by @groldan in #204
- Fix data-dir backend race conditions loading or creating ServiceInfos by @groldan in #205
- Add missing GWC REST payload converter by @groldan in #206
- Fix JAVA_TOOL_OPTS Dockerfile env variable quoting by @groldan in #207
- GWC REST API fix to fill in the TileLayerInfo blanks when creating a TileLayer by @groldan in #208
- Fix 'null' string in restconfig URIs by @groldan in #211
- Fix invalid virtual service endpoints not returning 404 by @groldan in #214
- Dependency upgrade: spring-cloud 2021.0.0 -> 2021.0.1, spring-boot 2.6.3 -> 2.6.4 by @groldan in #215
- Dependencies/remove transitive h2 by @groldan in #216
- Geoserver upgrade to latest 2.21-SNAPSHOT by @groldan in #219
- Dependency upgrade: spring-boot 2.6.4 -> 2.6.6 by @groldan in #218
- Update geoserver submodule, add new Service.WCSInfo.defaultDeflateCompressionLevel property to geoserver-jackson-bindings by @groldan in #220
- Do allow to configure jdbcconfig datasource connection limits by @groldan in #221
- Exclude upstream log4j dependencies in favor of spring-boot-starter-logging by @groldan in #223
- Wrong reference to docs-file by @woutergd in #225
- Expose some basic catalog and config metrics to be exported by micrometer by @groldan in #226
- Reorganize GeoWebCache functionality into separate modules by @groldan in #227
- Project refactoring to better reflect the architecture by @groldan in #232
- Replace GeoServerInitStartupListener by an ApplicationContextInitializer by @groldan in #234
- Move default workspace/store assignment to CatalogPlugin.add(...) by @groldan in #236
- Fix jdbcconfig connection starvation by @groldan in #237
- Remove duplicated text. Fix docker-compose referenced yml by @jemacchi in #238
- Refactor remote catalog/config events to not require a dependency on spring cloud bus except as an integration layer. by @groldan in #239
- web-ui: avoid log4j 1.x ClassNotFoundException in GlobalSettingsPage by @groldan in #240
- Bind missing RemoteEventResourcePoolProcessor bean and improve logging by @groldan in #241
- Fix config-service-native-image ci build by @groldan in #242
- Peg upstream geoserver version to 2.21.0-CLOUD by @groldan in #244
- Remote event processing of patches sends CatalogInfo as value instead of references by @groldan in #246
- Initialize default styles guarded by a lock for jdbcconfig by @groldan in #248
- SettingsInfo's contact was being sent as a proxy by @groldan in #249
- Split catalog backend projects by @groldan in #243
- PropertyDiff.clean() consider no-change for i18nString and CRS by @groldan in #250
- Make updateSequence increment atomically cluster-wide by @groldan in #251
- Data-directory backend cluster-wide locking on configuration changes by @groldan in #253
- Add support and tests for YAML encoding of config objects by @groldan in #254
- CatalogPlugin implementation of [GEOS-10561] business rule to handle ResourceInfo.namespace by @groldan in #255
- Disable default activation of docker image building profiles by @groldan in #256
- Exclude AdminRequestCallback from component-scan by @groldan in #259
- Avoid GeoTools logging redirection to Log4J by @groldan in #260
- Integrate KML services with wms-service by @groldan in #261
- Fix startup failures with jdbcconfig by @groldan in #262
- Fix catalog facade's getStyleByName(String name) by @groldan in #264
- Renaming a style breaks WMS service, new style filename not found by @groldan in #265
- Fix gwc's direct WMS integration, bean registration race condition by @groldan in #266
- Fix issue preventing updates of style with PUT REST API by @AlexGacon in #268
- Enable support for CSS and MBStyle in REST API by @AlexGacon in #270
- Add support for PostgisRaster coverages by @groldan in #274
- jackson-binding support for arrays in AttributeTypeInfo and Patch by @groldan in #273
- restconfig: fix path extension based content type negotiation by @groldan in #275
- Fix for feature pregeneralized extension compatibility with jdbcconfig by @groldan in #276
- gwc restconfig: fix path extension based content type negotiation by @groldan in #280
- Fix encoding issue in the gateway by @woutergd in #281
- Update geoserver submodule with fix for NioFileLockProvider deadlocks by @groldan in #283
- build: split out gs-cloud-spring-factory module out of gs-cloud-catalog-backend-common by @groldan in #284
- feature: Add support for COG (Cloud Optimized GeoTiff) by @groldan in #285
- Add support for JNDI datasources by @groldan in #287
- Fix caching catalog errors with layers and layer groups that affect jdbcconfig backend by @groldan in #288
- Load gs-wms's LegendSample only for wms and gwc applications by @groldan in #289
- Add optimized datadirectory catalog loader by @groldan in #290
- Allow configuring the admin user name and password through environment variables by @groldan in #292
- Fix race condition while loading large catalogs by @groldan in #293
- Remove unused native image version of config service by @groldan in #294
- Upgrade to spring-cloud 2021.0.5 / spring-boot 2.6.14 / feign-reactor 3.2.6 by @groldan in #295
- Upgrade to geoserver 2.22.1 as base version by @groldan in #298
- Support jackson-databind encoding of CogSettings in gs-jackson-databind by @groldan in #299
- Move CogSettings jackson serialization to gs-jackson-bindings by @groldan in #300
- Improvement/xml resource loader startup by @groldan in #301
- Upgrade geoserver to 2.22.2 by @groldan in #305
- Upgrade to spring-cloud 2021.0.6/spring-boot 2.7.9 by @groldan in #308
- DefaultMemoryCatalogFacade leaves dangling ResolvingProxys by @groldan in #309
- fix typo in .env variable GOSERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD by @MkLHX in #312
- Force hiding the default admin user when the admin username and password is provided through env variables by @groldan in #314
- Add prometheus exporter by @danduk82 in #315
- Remove useless contrib chart by @danduk82 in #316
- Update upstream GeoServer version to 2.23.0-CLOUD by @groldan in #320
- Upgrade spring-boot:2.7.9 -> 2.7.10 with spring 5.3.25 -> 5.3.26 by @groldan in #321
- Upgrade snakeyaml:1.30 -> 2.0, jackson:2.13.5 -> 2.14.2 by @groldan in #322
New Contributors
- @marcjansen made their first contribution in #83
- @jahow made their first contribution in #115
- @allanin made their first contribution in #111
- @woutergd made their first contribution in #225
- @jemacchi made their first contribution in #238
- @AlexGacon made their first contribution in #268
- @MkLHX made their first contribution in #312
- @danduk82 made their first contribution in #315
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v1.0.0