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valentin-gauthier-geosiris edited this page Mar 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

The Webstudio is able to exchange data via ETP. Only few requests are supported but it is very usefull for users who wants to edit and update energyml objects from an etp server.


To establish a connexion to an etp server, write the server url in the dedicated field. If the server is secured with a login/password, fill the corresponding fields. Then toggle the "Establish etp connexion" button.

If the connexion fail, a message will be prompt in the console.

etp connexion vue

After the connexion has been established, the interface will change, and the dataspace list will be automatically updated :

etp connected


For every request, the working dataspace must be chosen.

etp connected dataspace

List objects on a specific dataspace (GetResouces)

Go to the "Get Resources" tab, and press the "List objects" button. A list of objects present on the selected dataspace will be prompt in a table. etp connected get resources

These objects can be imported in the Wbestudio workspace with the "ImportDataObject" button. It is also possible to delete data from the etp server with the "Delete data Object" button.


It is possible to push data from the workspace to the etp server. Select the elements to push and then press the "Export (PutDataObjects)" button.

etp put data object

Get Related objects (GetResources on a specific element)

To search elements from the etp server that are related to an object in the workspace, select the object of the workspace in the list, and then press the "Get Related" button. A new table will appear at the bottom if related objects have been found.

etp get related

3D visualization

It is possible to visualize in 3D an object from an etp server. For now it is possible to visualize :

  • TriangulatedSetRepresentation as a surface
  • PolylinesSetRepresentation as points cloud
  • PointSetRepresentation as points cloud

etp get resources visualization

To visualize an element, select it in the list an then press the "Visualize data object" button. Then go to the 3D menu option. The interface will show your representation in a dedicated 3D vue.

3d view

⚠️ The data import into the 3D view may take some times. If you do not see any data after a minute, check the console to see logs.

When the data has been imported in the view, it should appear in the "scene panel" on the right.

⚠️ If you do not see the data in the 3D view (left panel), maybe the camera is not targeting your surface. Click on the "target" icon next to the surface name to center the camera on this object. If you still not see your object, maybe the camera is too close to the object. Try to wheel back with your mouse.

The interface allows to change the colors of every entities (faces/lines/points/bbox) and also toggle these elements.

Here the faces view has been disabled and points size has been increased.

3d view wireframe