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New procedures added and addition of return execution value -1 when Exceptions occurs

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@geral2 geral2 released this 11 Jun 04:10
· 10 commits to master since this release

Now, every procedure will return a default exectution value of 0 when it run suscessfully, and -1 if any exception happens. In this way, we will be able to identify when it failed, instead of returning 0 always.

Three new procedures were added;

  • APICaller_POST_Encoded ( fix Issue #30 )
    This new procedure is exclusive for Call API with enconded contentType (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).

  • Added APICaller_POST_Extended

  • Added APICaller_POST_Encoded

These two extended procedures enable the ability to change the content-type, through the header parameter.

--Set Header
Declare @header nvarchar(max) =
 '[ {
	 "Name": "Content-Type",
	 "Value" :"application/json; charset=utf-8"
        "Name": "X-RapidAPI-Host",
	 "Value" :""
	"Name": "X-RapidAPI-Key",
	"Value" :"c56b333d25mshdbfec15f02f096ep19fa94jsne5189032cf7d"

And more important return information related to HTTP Response like:
(Hope this would help in issue #27)

  • ContentType
  • Server
  • StatusCode
  • Status Description
  • Response Headers


--Set Header
Declare @header nvarchar(max) = 
		"Name": "Content-Type",
		"Value" :"application/json; charset=utf-8"
		"Name": "X-RapidAPI-Host",
		"Value" :""
		"Name": "X-RapidAPI-Key",
		"Value" :"c56b333d25mshdbfec15f02f096ep19fa94jsne5189032cf7d"
--Set URL
Declare @wurl varchar(max) = '' 

Declare @ts as table
	Json_Result nvarchar(max),
	ContentType varchar(100),
	ServerName varchar(100),
	Statuscode varchar(100),
	Descripcion varchar(100),
	Json_Headers nvarchar(max)
declare @i as int 
 insert into @ts
 --Get Account Data
 exec @i = [dbo].[APICaller_GET_Extended]

select * from @ts

 FROM OPENJSON((select Json_Result from @ts))  
		WITH (   
				 name		 nvarchar(max) '$."name"'      
				,alpha2Code	 nvarchar(max) '$."alpha2Code"'      
				,alpha3Code	 nvarchar(max) '$."alpha3Code"'      
				,callingCodes	 nvarchar(max) '$."callingCodes"'   as JSON    
				,capital              nvarchar(max) '$."capital"'      
				,region		 nvarchar(max) '$."region"'      
				,subregion	 nvarchar(max) '$."subregion"'  
				,timezones	 nvarchar(max) '$."timezones"'	  as JSON     
				,population	 nvarchar(max) '$."population"'      
				,"currencies"	 nvarchar(max) '$."currencies"'	  as JSON 
				,languages	 nvarchar(max) '$."languages"'	  as JSON         
				) a

 FROM OPENJSON((select Json_Headers from @ts))  
		WITH (   
				 Header	 nvarchar(max) '$."Name"'      
				,Value	 nvarchar(max) '$."Value"'      
				) a

Extended GET