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Know Your Co-signers

Know Your Co-signers allows you to access different statistics and charts for any provided Safe smart account and its signers to see how they behave and how active they are, categorizing them with different tags like:

  • Most popular signer: The signer who signed most Safe transactions.
  • Most popular executor: The signer who executed most Safe transactions.
  • Occasional signer: The signers who have signed at least one Safe transaction.
  • Occasional executor: The signers who have executed at least one Safe transaction.
  • Best sponsor: The signer who paid the highest total fees when executing Safe transactions.
  • 100% committed: The signers with no activity registered outside the Safe.
  • No signing activity: The signers who didn't sign any Safe transactions.
  • No execution activity: The signers who didn't execute any Safe transaction.

This monorepo consists of two different projects:

Get Started

Before running this application, the back-end service requires setting up the NEXT_PUBLIC_SERVICE_URL environment variable. Rename the .env.example to .env and set the variable with the right URL for the back-end service:



Execute the following command in the root folder of the monorepo to install both projects:

pnpm install

Alternatively, execute the following command to undo the installation and remove all the generated files:

pnpm clean


Execute the following command in the root folder of the monorepo to build both projects:

pnpm build

Alternatively, execute the following command to undo the build and remove all the generated files:

pnpm unbuild

Run locally

Execute the following command to run the front-end application and back-end service locally:

pnpm dev

The front-end and back-end will be available at http://localhost:3000 and http://localhost:4000 respectively.

Deploy in production

Execute the following command to deploy the front-end application and back-end service:

pnpm prod:deploy

The front-end and back-end will be available at http://<INSERT_PUBLIC_IP_HERE>:80 and http://<INSERT_PUBLIC_IP_HERE>:4000 respectively.

Execute the following command to stop the deployment:

pnpm prod:undeploy