v2.8.2 -> June 25, 2018
New: Added GDPR Support
New: Added go to dashboard button in seller's my account page
Fix: Unable to create order using REST API
Fix: Unable to assign product author from quick edit page
Fix: Total sales counting problem fixed
Fix: Vendor earning suggestion is not working if a product is under multiple category
Fix: Bank info is not appearing in profile edit page
Fix: If network mode is enabled then admin is unable to see his store page
Fix: Function not exists error on store listing api request
Fix: Vendor order export date column not showing properly in csv format
Fix: Withdraw page loading issue ( when a seller is deleted by admin )
Fix: Vendor terms and conditions is not showing in REST API
Tweak: Hide invenotry product status if the product type is variable
Tweak: Allow admin to set commission in both integer and floating number
Tweak: Make dokan store category menu wizard wp standard
Tweak: Redesign dokan setup wizard page
Tweak: Redesign the dokan settings page using vuejs
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