To setup, create a .env file with the following variables:
replace with the IP address of the VM hosting the Rubix and Sky executable.
This executable can perform three tasks:
cliwrubix new: It can generate a Rubix DID from a PeerID selected at the assigned Sky running alongside rubixgoplatform. This will create a new DID with NLSS Private Shares and ECDSA Private Key. All the keys are stored in a directory named after the DID.
cliwrubix sign -sender [sender PeerID.DID hash] -receiver [receiver PeerID.DID hash] -nlsspriv [Image path of NLSS private share] -ecdsapriv [ECDSA private key as plain text]: It can sign a Rubix transaction for a given amount, sender's Rubix DID (in PeerID.DID format), receiver's Rubix DID (in PeerID.DID format), sender's ECDSA private key, and sender's NLSS private share image path. Command will append the completed transaction ID to the log.txt file in the same directory as the executable.
cliwrubix bal [PeerID.DID as plain text]: It can check balance of a Rubix DID using the Rubix DID (in PeerID.DID format).
Use sky to broadcast the signed transaction to the Rubix network. Sky has to be installed and running alongside the Rubix executable in the same VM. cliwrubix communicates to remote VM hosting Sky and rubixgoplatform via gRPC protos similar to the self-custody wallet.